A/N - Chapter One: The Day After

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Ummmmm.... Hi! What a great way to start a book right? Well i have a general idea but no idea how to start. ill update whenever i feel bored or when i can, i am an ATAR student so there's no such thing as personal time. Anyhow, i'm here just to tell you/ask you that if i do something too out of character could you be a kind reader and correct me please? But don't be mean about it either, i love feed back because it makes me a stronger author. I'm out of my comfort zone making a fanfic because i'm always scared i wont do the characters justice or that i make them out of character. anyhow, to the chapter^^


(Todoroki's P.O.V)

(I currently have no idea how to start ;-;)

I make my way to class, already i can hear the chaos pouring threw the walls. I slide the door open and snake my way to my desk in the back row, its a usual morning for the class, Bakugo yelling at someone for no apparent reason, the girls gossiping around Yaoyorozu's table, occasionally giggling before going back into a quiet conversation. Then you had the others, They sat in their respective tables and chatted amongst themselves. Everything was normal yet odd, something- no, someone was missing. I scanned the class from my seat, everyone was here, everyone except for Midoriya.

No one else seemed to notice, nor care for that matter, not even his little friend group who seemed to be split up. Before I could go ask Uraraka his whereabouts, the bell goes, signifying the start of class and on que, Mr. Aizawa dawdles in with his same insomnic look. Everyone finally settled down and sat in their assigned seats, murmurs still echoed in the room a minute afterwards.

"Right, today we will be covering the basics of-" Mr. Aizawa scanned the room and narrowed his eyes landing his gaze on Midoriyas desk. He sighed "Does anyone know where Midoriya is?" He asked the class.

It seemed now people started to notice, and the murmurs erupted again. "Who cares, the shitty nerd is probably just late." Bakugo said in his usual grumble.

"Yes, but that's very uncharacteristic of him." Ida remarked.

"I saw him yesterday, just as we where leaving school, it looked like he was in a hurry." Uraraka

Everyone agreed and almost as if on que, the green head slid open the door, instead of his usual bright demeanor he wore purple bags under his eyes, pale skin and eyes. Everyone went silent and stared as he walked to his seat and sat down "Sorry I am late." He said, not sadly, but not happily either.

The class passed as usual, pouring into break, the bell rang and we all left the class. I sat down with Ida and Uraraka, this was most likely to be the best time to talk with them about Midoriya. "Did Midoriya seem off to you today?"

"Today? He's been acting strange all week. He's been pushing us away when we ask him what's brothering him. He seems almost...."

"Sad." Ida finished her sentence. "Yes Midoriya has been acting unusual, something must have happened after the festival." Ida adjusted his glasses.

Uraraka nodded "Right! It was a week after the festival, I remember because I saw him walking to break all ghost like the other day, at the time I thought he must've been feeling funny, but now I'm so so sure." She scratched the back of her head in thought.

The sports festival, a day I wouldn't forget for a long time to come. The day I recognised my power is my own, not my bastard fathers. It was Midoriya who helped me see that, he who told me to give it my all and that's what I did. Only to hesitate and lose to Bakugo. But I shall never forget it, when he told me it is my power, and mine alone.

The bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. I get up and see a tuft of green hair bob and weave threw the cafeteria and into the halls. I was about to follow after him but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. "You know there's something up with him too, icy-hot." Bakugo said from behind me.

I turned around and gave him a quizzical look. "Yes." I replied idly.

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out so he tried again, "Find out what it is before he depresses the whole damn class." He huffs then walked away. Well that was... odd. I shrug and turn, walking to class.

All the while as i watched the green haired boy he seemed more energetic, less sad, but there was still a look in his eyes, the way he smiled was slightly off. Chatter amongst the class never seemed to bother me much, id always zone out and fall asleep or continue with my work if there where any.

"Get off me shitty hair!!!" Bakugo erupted

"Come on Bakubro, you know you like it!" Kirishima laughed poking Bakugo on the arm, leaning on his shoulder.

"I said get off!" Bakugo set off tiny sparks as a warning. Kirishima shrugged and grinned, chuckling to himself.

"You've got no chill man!" Kaminari laughed "Would it kill you to calm down for five minutes?"

"Yeah! it probably would!!" Bakugo spat back causing everyone to laugh. It made sense, the amount of nitroglycerine in his body would probably kill him if he did have all that energy. It was probably his bodies way of coping with his quirk... Maybe.

I glanced over at Midoriya who was still giggling, turned in his seat and listening as they continued to bicker and banter. He glanced at me and gave a warm grin before watching the comedic class again. His smiles always gave me a new feeling , it was odd, like someone was grabbing my chest. I didn't like it, it isn't normal and whats worse is, i don't even know why. The bell rang before i could look into it any further, saving me from my thoughts, i picked up my bag and followed the greenette out of the school, "Midoriya!" I called.

He stopped beside the gate, he looked anxious to get home. "Oh h-hey Todoroki." He said timidly.

"You have been acting strange, we're worried for you, Uraraka, Ida and I. I think Bakugo is also." I say

"I'm fine! Why would there be anything wrong?" He grinned. It was fake.

i narrowed my eyes inquisitively but pressingly "Are you sure-"

"I said i'm fine Todoroki, don't worry so much." He giggled and turned heel, leaving me utterly baffled. What was he hiding? I got a buzz from my phone and checked it, it was from Fuyumi.

<(Hey little bro, dads home and hes waiting for you. Id hurry home if i where you.)

But of course...

(I'll be home in ten.)>

I walk home and let my surrounding immerse me. It was the dawning of winter, it was cool, but not yet snowing. I arrive at home and take off my shoes, slipping in my slippers. I walk into the hallway and am face to face with my farther. I give him a blank look as he turns heel, expecting me to follow him to the training room. And as I do, the hell begins.


Hero In GreenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang