Part 26

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*Hi guys! Another update for my liliz. I hope you guys enjoy reading this.*


<<<Y/n Pov>>>

I cant believe it! Lucas was here!

Chill...Im not happy Btw. No. Im happy. I feel my heart's beating fast. It's nice to see him.


Me,and my friends and his friends gathered together at his own house.

"So can we talk,Y/n? Outside?" He asked.

I nodded and we went outside. At the terrace.

" are we going to talk about?" I asked looking at the night sky.

"I just wanna know how's your doin'? I mean are you doing well. Is you and Renjun in a relationship?"

"Im doing fine. Well...maybe not. This past few feel like- Aish and Renjun was still bestfriend."


Awkward silence.

"I think we should go inside. It's getting cold in here," i murmured and went inside.

He went after me.

<<<12:00 Am>>>

"Guys!It's already 12:00. We need to go now,"i said but i guess no one's listening.

Then i saw Renjun and Lucas went to his room(Lucas' room).

<<<Lucas Pov>>>

"I wanna ask if she was okay. I noticed that she look different from before."

"She didnt tell me,Lucas. But i think she's not okay. I really do think. Sometimes she'll just cry in her room and then she'll get hit by her panic disorder. I was also worried. But she'll just say the she's fine."

I knew it. Since when we're child,i always notice that there is time she'll just cry at her room.

I think she have panic disorder. That's what i thought ever since.


I let them stay at my house since it's already late to go at their own home.

I went to Y/n's room that i assigned her to stay and sleep.

"I came to check if you're comfortable."

"I am,Lucas. No need to worry. I gotta sleep. Goodnight." She said emotionless. 

She faced the other side of the wall and wrapped herself with the blanket.

I slowly closed the door and leave.


<<<Y/n Pov>>>

I cant sleep. I feel weak. I wanna sleep but i cant. I sat at the floor and hugged my knees. I pushed it hard on my chest,tears escaped my eyes.

I manage to stoop up and went downstairs to get water.

At the kitchen i took a glass of warm water and drunk it.

The stairs.
I feel a sudden fear.

I took one step. Next step. Then i suddenly loss my grip. I fell down and the things started to blur.


<<<Lucas Pov>>>

Who was that. Is that a theif. I heard a thud so i decided to went downstairs.

Where i saw a girl laying on the floor. I started to feel nervous.

As i went closer and closer to her i saw that she was Y/n.

I immediatly call the other while i was carrying her at a bridal style and went inside the car.

I drove faster and finally we are at the nearest hospital.


The doctor went outside the room.

"She's been going hospital,lately. She always have check-up. Didnt she tell you?" The doctor asked.

"No. She always stayed quiet about that. We never knew that she often came here at the hospital."

"Well,Lucas...Im telling you all,she has been experiencing panic disorder. She also have autophobia,which means she's fear of being alone. But in her case she caught it i think years ago. When i interviewed her last week when she came she said that she's left alone after her childhood friend left. She also mentioned that her phobia became weak when she met a friend,that i think Renjun,right? So guys always talk to her and always hype her mood,okay? So that she will feel not alone."

The doctor left us.

When i hear those words...i suddenly felt guilty. Now,i know why she is so mad at me because it's my fault why she always feel that way.

I shouldn't left her that time.

But maybe,maybe i can do something.

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