Part 4

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<<<Lucas' Pov>>>

I woke up at 6:45 am. I went to her kitchen and prepare for breakfast.

I decided to cook pancake. Tho, i wasnt sure if im allowed to do this,i just do it,anyways.

Then i preapared everything at the table.
I heard her footsteps coming downstair to the kitchen.

She was still rubbing her eyes and tried to opened it completly.

Her expression went it shock.

"Oh,sorry. I decided to cook for breakfast and btw lastnight the ramen,i considered it as your treat,"i said.

"Thanks but i'll eat with Renjunie later at school,"she exclaimed to me. Of course i feel a bit upset.
"Just eat the pancakes and leave,"she added.

Gosh! Why do felt this?

I decide not to eat it and leave it at the table instead i leave and thank her.

<<<Y/N pov>>>

To be honest, i was really shocked that he even cooked for me,so when he finally left i eat one pancake.
It's kinda delicious:).

I went to my room to pick my clothes.
Finally,i wore my pink with purple hoodie and a jeans with white sneakers and of course my precious bracelet.

At school

I saw Renjunie waiting at the entrance and waved at me.

"Hey why are you not early today?" He asked to me.
"Um...i couldn't sleep last night so i decided to walk." I couldnt look into his eyes.
"And i went to convinience store," i lied to him.

We went to the school cafe and order my favorite coffee. We also order our breakfast and eat it quickly.

Then out of the blue,i saw lucas and his friends.
I was wondering how could he changed his clothes and take a bath that fast that he is even at the school right now.

I tried to avoid them so i talk to Renjun
"Hey!Renjunie,are you still mad?"
"Um...not until you treat me later after class."He started to giggled.
I pinched his chick and nodded.

I heard Jising,one of Lucas' friend whispered and rolled his eyes.

I just ignored them,since i want to graduate my college peacefully.


After i present my presentation i treat Renjun at the park near the school. And guess what? I saw Lucas and his friends arround.

Lucas' seems looking at my bracelet.
Wait!Why is he looking at it?

"Renjunie~ Do you want to ride?" I asked him. And as expected he said yes.

<<<Lucas Pov>>>

I dont get this feeling of me as i look at her and at her bestfriend,she really look happy that everyone rarely sees it. Her laugh isnt fake at all,she look pretty when laughing and smiling like that. I could feel the thrill of the ride just looking at them and even tho they are high i could still saw her bracelet and it really suits her. WAIT! What am i talking about.

Then i felt Jungwoo snapped in front of my face that slapped me the reality.
"Aish,Are you jealous?"
"Me? Do you think i am,Jungwoo,huh?"
I sighed and still looking at them when I saw Mark.

Mark walk closer to me.

"Hey! Do you still remember the girl?" He asked to me.
"You mean Y/N?"
"Yeah,that's right Lucas! Dont hurt her,okay?"
He said to me and smirked. I really want to punched him even tho he's my cousin but we're in park.

After he leaved not knowing that Y/N was here, Y/N and her friend finally dine at the ride.

<<<Y/N pov>>>

"Wait,here!" Renjunie said and was about to leave but i stopped him.
"Where are you going?"
"Um...i'll treat you icecream,"he said and smiled.


Moments later he finally came back with two icecreams and handed me one of those.

"Thanks,for treating me,"he said and continue to lick the icecream.
I ruffled his hair and said,

We continue to eat.

<<<Lucas' pov>>>

Aish i felt this feeling again.
Should i go and tell her?
Nope! Of course why would i?

I felt jisung hold my shoulder.
"Hey hyung are you jealous?"
He asked me. Is it that obvious?Aish!
"Um.... i dont know,"i tried to smile and fake my laugh.
"Hey! Let's go home," jungwoo shouted out of the corner.

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