Part 11

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<<<Y/n pov>>>

Renjun and Mark take cared of me this past 2 days at hospital but now since they have dance assesment for their contest,i told them that i'm okay.

I was now laying on my bed,reading some books,eating snacks and feeling uncomfortable.

Lucas pov

I saw Mark and Renjun without Y/N so i walk to them.

"Hey,where's Y/n?" I asked.
"Um...are we supposed to tell him?" I can see Renjun nudged Mark's elbow and Mark shrugged.
Then nodded later.
"Um... she's in her house resting," Renjun told me.

"Um..he collapsed two days ago. The doctor said that he need to rest for one week and because her nose also...hurt again,"Mark said with sad eyes.
"And btw can you...just at least watch her and maybe take care of her,since we have dance assesment?" Renjun added.
"B-but what if he didnt let me?"
"Well,i have an extra key. Just opened it and tell her that we told you about it and dont you ever try to hurt her,"Renjun's glared at me was so...scary,i guess?

After we talked,he gave me the key and i went to Y/n's house and opened the gate and the main door.

I took a stepped inside and she was not at the living room.
Maybe she's at her room.

I went to the kitchen and tried to cook quietly.
I made a soup for her.
I took a tray and placed it.
I went upstairs.

I opened her door and saw her sleeping.
Her face was so....pretty. Yikes! What are you talking about,Lucas,huh?

I tried to move quietly just not to wake her up but i failed. She woke up.

"YAH! What are you doing here? And how do you enter my house?"
"Renjun gave me the his key and he told me to take care of you since he still have dance assesment," i explained.
"Hays,Whatever!" She rolled her eyes again.

I sat beside her bed and gave her the food.

She just ate it innocently. I stares at her everytime she will scoop and sip the soup.
She was literally beautiful,like before.

After she ate she turned around to face the wall and without even saying thanks to me. She wrapped her self with blanket.

I went downstairs to wash the dishes.

I dont know what i was supposed to do next. Do i need to leave? Or stay?

I decided to stay and wouldn't mind anything else.
I lay at the couch,maybe she'll not get mad at me.
I tried not to sleep but i failed.

Y/n pov

Aish why did Renjun told Lucas about this?
Anyways i still dont want him to be with me,but i dont have other choice and im not feeling that well, since my nose got hurt again and also the weather was cold so yeah maybe i got cold already and i know what will happened next. This cold will turn into fever that i wish it wouldn't.

I wrapped myself with my blanket but it's not enough to make me feel warm. I even turned off the aircon and wore hoodie,and at least it lessen my coldness right now.

I still dont feel good. I could feel my body heat up and i was so hot like a boiling water,maybe?

I knew it. Now, i have fever already.

I want to higher my pride but i dont really feel okay now. So i let out a heavy breath and shouted for Lucas' help.

He came rushing and touched my forehead.

"Yah, you're so hot. Are you cold?"
"Of course,duh,"aish it wasnt the word i want to tell but it came out.

I was so suprised but he lifted me and carried me in a bridal style.
"Wait! Where are you going to bring me?" I asked.
"At your fireplace and if doesnt help then i'll bring you to the hospital," he said.

I felt guilty,maybe?
I always act cold and mean at him but now he's taking care of me? What a sh*t?!

He started the fire and i sat down near it. He wrapped my shoulder with blanket that also cover my upper body.

I hugged my knees and pushed it hard to my chest so that i can cover my body.

I feel warmer and im so thankful to him.

I could sense that he was looking at me. I dont wanna stare on him i dont,i really dont want.

After i feel warmer i stood up.
"I gotta sleep,"i said,not even looking at him. I headed to my room.

Oh Gosh! What did just i said to him?

I let my body fell on my bed and opened my arms wide. My feet was still on the floor, only my upper leg was on the bed and my upper body.

I wish it could be Renjun or Mark. I will feel comfortable, for sure. But sadly,they have dance assesment.

I shook my head trying to get rid of my thoughts.

Why the hell my past keep on flashing back? Can i just forget about it? But how?

I rolled my eyes and slap my pillow on my head. I hope it could help but nah!

I look to my bracelet,and think about it.

I should eat now but im still not hungry,not until i smell something delicious.

Is he cooking,again? For me?

I hate to admit but i owe this to him.

Now i wanted to eat because of the smell. My stomach was now growling.

Maybe i could get food and then go back here again? But i'm too lazy to go downstairs. And my legs are still trembling.

I lifted my legs and now my whole body was now in bed. My arms are still widened. Aish! I hate this!

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