Part 6

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I was at the library reading Mandarin book when someone sat beside me.
"Hey,can you teach me about Mandarin,"Mark said.
"Yeah,sure." I dont know but i cant refused it. I mean im good at it so i guess i need to help him.

Renjun joins us and we started to discuss study stuffs.
"Can we be friends?" Mark asked.
"Look i know it's like a childish question but please Renjun and Y/n,"he started again and pouted.
Me and Renjun look to each other and nodded.

"Oh,Look who's using some people,"a deep voce said as he laugh a bit.
"Stop it,Lucas. It's none of your bussiness and I'm not using them,"he informed Lucas and smirked.
Lucas hold his fist and was about to give Mark a punch but i stood up and the punch that was supposed to hit Mark,it hit me,instead.

Gosh!His fist!It really hit my face. And i dont know if i am bleeding.

Lucas' face was in shock he was about to say a word but Renjun pushed him away.

"Y/N your nose was bleeding,"Mark told me and wiped my nose with his handkerchief then he bring me to the school clinic.

Then Renjun came after us.
"Hey,Are you crazy? Why did you do that? You're so...Aish.Look what happened,"Mark scolded me.
"Yah!Y/N what came to your mind?" Renjun nag me.
Ofcourse they will get mad about what i do.

Yeah i know i was cold but i cant let my self see people hurting infront of me. I will feel guilty.

"Im sorry to the both of you,"i said and look down.

But i was curious about what Lucas said earlier. Is Mark really will use us?

"And btw about earlier,about what lucas said,dont believe him,"Mark told us before i could ask him the same topic.

Both of me and Renjun nodded.

My nose hurt a lot but my lip also was bleeding. Lucas' fist was big that he hit both my lip and nose. And also my laughlines was bleeding. Argh his hands was so big. It can even cover his face.

The nurse put bandaid at my wound.
I hate that i need to visit my mom tomorrow at this situation.

The three of us left the clinic. Lucas and his friends was outside he was supposed to touch my hand and say a word but the. Renjun pushed him away and said, "Yah!Lucas,Dont bother her"

Mark and Renjun brought me home.
"Wah!You're house was big for only a person."
Mark was confused so i let him look around.

"I'll cook kimchi fried rice!" Renjun shouted and went to the kitchen.

After we are done eating both of them leave and said goodbye to me.

I went to my room but my nose was still bleeding a bit,maybe because it hit hard.

I started to read my favorite book and i fall asleep.


I woke up at 3:00 am. Gladly there's no classes tomorrow coz it's Saturday. I went downstairs and eat some snacks.

My nose hurt a lot so i decided to look if renjun was online.

And yes he was. Im so happy that he's still online.

[ Yah! Why are you still awake?Btw can you accompany me to the hospital coz my nose hurt a lot.]
-sent  3:34 am

[Nothing! I was thinking about something but yeah sure.I'll be there maybe in 15 minutes.Wait for me okay?]
-sent 3:36 am

[Thanks,Ok i'll wait]
-sent 3:37 am

After 15 minutes he was here and he drove me to the hospital.

Gosh!My nose hurt so much.

Inside the hospital,i went to see my doctor and she said that she'll look if i have any stracture any nose problem after the incident.

After some minutes,she just do the first aid treatment and saud that i need to return in 2 or 3 days,after my swelling goes down and she'll check if i had some nose problem.

I told Renjun about it and he was so worried about me.
But i told him that i'm okay.
He drove me back home and i told him that he can sleep there since he drove for me.

He said yes beacuse he is actually a bit sleep so if he drove once again he'll be probably in accident. I told him to sleep at the guest room.

I told Renjun dont tell my mom about this and he agreed to me.

The next morning i lied to my mom i told her that i cant visit her because i have a lot of thing to do and she said okay.

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