Part 24

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Later that day,the two boys went to their own home/dorm/apartment.

Y/n was back and forting at her room.

"Y/n? What's happening to you?" Her mom ask.

Y/n sat beside her mom.

"Mom...what if there are someone who love me.What will i do? Who will i choose? The other one was always here for me. He never let me down. His my protection. He loves me. But he never tell me about his feelings because if i am not mistaken,he dont want our friendship to be ruin." Y/n said and sighed.

"The other one hate him..He also said that he loves me. And i dont know but maybe...MAYBE,I feel incomplete without him,"she empasized the word maybe.

Her mother looked at her.

"Look,honey,it still depends on you. You said that the first one doesnt want to ruin your friendship so he'll keep it and the other one had already confessed to you. Love is love,sweetie. You can feel wich one is your love. It doesnt mean that you dont love both of them. But your LOVE is your LOVE."

"But mom,it's hard. I mean the first person was always by my side. He never leave me. He'd done so much sacrifices. He is always here whenever i need him or not. He is the one who always comfort me when me and the second person are always fighting. He even take care of me. He is garduian angel."

"You are pity? You're pity because you're worried about that 'first person'? Then what about the second one?"

Her mom was looking deep in her eyes.

Y/n sighed.

"I hate him mom. But i feel something weird without him. Because the first one never leave me before i never feel this way to him. But the second one,i feel this way to him. I feel like i miss him. That i need him. But i hate him."

"You're so young,sweetie. You dont deserve to experience this. You just sleep now and we'll talk about it tomorrow,okay? Goodnight sweetie,"her mom said kissing her at her forehead.

<<<The next morning>>>

Y/n woke up and get her self ready for her school.

She met Renjun at the cafeteria of the school.

Y/n run toward him. She wrapped her hands around him amd hugged him.

"Y/n,what's wrong?"

"Nothing,Renjun. I'm just happy,"Y/n mumbled as she was still hugging him.

Y/n hold back her tears and started,
"Renjunie,thanks for everything. Thanks for not giving up on me..for not leaving me. I promise i wont also leave you. I will be always here for you,okay?"

Is she saying goodbye? Renjun thought.

"Wait,why are you like that,Y/n? Is there any problem? Are you leaving?"

"No,Renjun. I wont do that. I will never leave all my love ones. Dont worry,okay?"

The two made their way to their classes.

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