seventeen | my brother's keeper

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The witch smiled as she stared down at Annabelle and said to her, "Oh, but I do, Annabelle. I think it's about time that we meet. I'm Dorothy Sullivan." When Annabelle only raised an eyebrow at her, Dorothy told her, "I'm the one who– shall we say– suggested you come meet me here."

Annabelle scoffed as she eyed Dorothy and asked her, "You really expect me to believe that you willingly chose to agree with coming to meet me, when it's well known of how I had tricked several nomadic witches and those in covens into working for me after I had made their lives be in danger in order to make them in debt to me for as long as they had lived?" When Dorothy nodded her head, Annabelle said, "You must be quite dense to think that I'd actually believe you. Because the last that I heard, I was an enemy to all witches everywhere. Why the hell would you want to meet me?"

Dorothy tilted her head as she stared down at Annabelle before she replied, "Let's just say that things have changed in retrospect for me." When Annabelle only raised an eyebrow at her, Dorothy chuckled and said to her, "Okay, fine, you got me. I was expelled from my, uh, coven a couple years back and ever since, I've been gathering witches to form my own coven in order to get back at them. I mean, sure, my mother joined me, and she specifically told me not to go after the coven that my former coven had allied themselves with, but still. I think we could really help one another, if it comes down to it. And before you ask, the coven they allied themselves with doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that I can help you and you can help me, okay?"

Instead of giving Dorothy a straight answer, Annabelle simply stared at Dorothy with a blank look on her face before she said, "I wasn't going to ask which coven it was."

Dorothy replied, "Of course you weren't. I mean, who would? I sure wouldn't—"

Annabelle sighed as she closed her eyes before she said, "Just get straight to the point, Dorothy." When Dorothy didn't respond, Annabelle said to her, "Either you get straight to the point, or I leave, and you have to handle this mess that you've gotten into by yourself."

Dorothy also sighed before she said, "Fine. I'll tell you. My, uh, coven, you could say, and I have reason to believe that William isn't dead."

Annabelle scoffed as she said to Dorothy, "Of course he's dead. How couldn't he be dead? I mean, Mikael told me himself."

Dorothy said, "Yeah, but think about it, Annabelle. Mikael's the very same person who hunted you and your siblings down for countless centuries. Surely someone who wanted to kill you and your family wouldn't be the slightest bit trustworthy, right?" Just as Annabelle started to turn her back on Dorothy, Dorothy quickly pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket and yelled, "J-Just look at this! Okay? Just-Just look at it."

After sighing to herself, Annabelle started to turn her head and insist that William had been dead for three-hundred and eight years, only to stop when she saw the sketch of a young man's face on the paper.

After a couple seconds of silence, Annabelle asked, "Where did you get this?" When Dorothy didn't respond, Annabelle quickly grabbed Dorothy by the front of her neck with a tight grip as she said, "Tell me where the hell you got this drawing of William."

Dorothy quickly nodded her head as she said, "O-Okay. I-I'll tell you. I'll tell you." When Annabelle loosened her grip on Dorothy's neck, Dorothy told her, "Shortly before my mom and I were expelled from our coven, she was given this drawing of a man who called himself William. Apparently, he went to all the covens that allied themselves with you and told them everything. He told them how you tricked them into allying themselves with you and what you planned to do if they betrayed you. Then slowly, one by one, each of them had cut ties with you. That's all I know. I swear."

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