The healer turned onto her side as she gasped for much needed breath. She could hear Scott behind her as well as Lori struggle with Kira as she remained on the floor. Brooklyn brought a hand up to her neck and winced at the pain it brought. She just couldn't go a day without being injured, could she.

As the noise settled down around her, Brook felt a pair of warm arms lift her up from the cold floor. Scott pulled her into his embrace while planting a kiss on her forehead. He kept a hand on the back of her head as she continued to suck in many short breaths against his padded chest.

She heard another two pairs of shoes stop a little away from them as Kira's distraught voice rang out, "What did I do?"

They didn't have any time to answer her, though, as the front doors burst open with a loud bang and people ran in screaming for their lives. Brooklyn felt her eyes glow and was quick to conceal it. A distant roar was heard amidst it all. Scott quickly urged them all into the nearest classroom and shut the door. A large pounding noise sounded as a wisp of black speedily ran pass the small window on the door.

"What... What was that?" Kira asked. Reluctantly letting go of Brooke, Scott crept towards the door as slowly turned the handle. As the piece of wood moved out of the way, the four of them looked across the corridor to see large claw marks on the opposite wall and door.

Brooklyn gulped, "The Beast."

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Meeting up with Malia and Braeden in the corridor, the mercenary chucked Brooke a shotgun. They were still at the high school and the Beast was most definitely still causing chaos. Scott had taken off a while ago after the Beast, and Lori and Kira had safely been evacuated. Brooklyn had remained after getting a call from her cousin asking for her assistance which is why she was currently positioning the gun she was just given.

The three girls briskly made their way to the library where they could hear the humongous noises the Beast was making. The shoved open the double doors and the two girls with guns immediately began firing.

The large black figure stood on its hind legs amongst the wreck that was the library. It was towering over Scott and Liam who were both heavily covered in blood. Brooke wasn't sure if it was their own or someone else's. The Beast turned its whole body around as the bullets penetrated it's back. It stumbled back slightly with each shot it took. The loud sound of bullets realising from the black weapons filling the silence.

The Beast fell down onto the steps as it began to be coated in blood. For once its own. Not being able to take it anymore, the large creature let out a final roar before jumping out through the large glass window behind it. Shards rained down on the untidy floor as the Beast ran away.

As everyone let out sighs of relief Brooklyn rushed forwards to her boyfriend who remained on the library floor. She knelt down beside him and placed her hands on his chest. Her eyes shown purple as her abilities worked in seconds. Scott remained coated in blood but he no longer had anymore adding to what was already there.

Brooke helped the True Alpha up. Them and Liam moved over to stand in front of the broken window with Malia and Braeden. "You didn't seriously think you were gonna have a chance against that thing, did you?" the mercenary asked Scott incredulously.

"No." the McCall boy panted. "But I got its scent."

Brooklyn then followed behind Scott and Liam as they made their way out from inside the school. They hurriedly made their way out the doors and into the night air in the direction of the car park. Scott jogged his way down the rows of cars sniffing the air. Knowing the Beast's scent, he was seeing which vehicle was coated in it. Then with that knowledge they could find out who owned the car and that person would be the Beast.

The True Alpha stopped at a sleek black car. Brooklyn and Liam finally able to catch up to him as he began to force open the boot of it with his supernatural strength. Inside was a single pair of grey trainers. Scott picked one shoe up and turned it over to see blood coating the sole. They'd definitely got the right car.

The three of them stared at the bloodied shoe for a moment and then gave each other wide eyed looks. As Scott shut the boot they all glanced up to see Mason stood looking at them with a parted mouth. "Scott?" the boy asked, "What are you doing to my car?"

A small gasp escaped the Hale girl's mouth at his words. It couldn't be. Surely not. But it had to be. It was. Mason was the Beast.

"It's you." Scott breathed out.

Mason gave them a confused look. "What?" He then turned to his best friend. "Liam, what's he talking about?" The beta hesitated, eyes raking the ground as he tried to come to grips with what they'd just found out. "Liam?" Mason called, taking a step towards him.

Liam gazed up at his friend with watery eyes. How the hell was he supposed to break this to him?

He didn't have to though as Corey suddenly appeared from where he'd made himself invisible and grasped onto Mason's shoulders. "Corey, wait!" Brooklyn shouted but it was already too late. The chimera turned both himself and Mason invisible.

"Corey, wait!" Scott repeated. He ran forwards trying to grab ahold of the two boys. The other two moved forwards as well, the three of them searching around the barely lit car park for any glimpse of them. It was futile. They were gone.

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