Chapter 8: Another Crazy Day

Start from the beginning

She took a deep breath as she held the plier in between the wires. "Prof Yan, this bomb is said to track heartbeat. I can't risk you being here while I work on the wires. So, here is the plan. I'm sorry, Officer Wang, but I need to use your heart."

It was a less than 3 seconds when Yue quickly tug the bomb strap off and passed to Didi. The bomb timer started jumping during the exchange but once it detected his heartbeat, it went back to the usual rate.

Prof Yan looked at them with gratitude before he ran out of the room. Yue had asked him to evacuate everyone.

"How is this a better plan, Shen? Are you going to sacrifice me now?" Didi shuddered, looking at the bomb on his chest. She smiled steadily.

"They don't call me an expert for nothing. Now, let's see."

8 minutes.

"There is nothing complicated with the wiring. I can do this."


"Wang, there might be a second bomb as I said. So...."

"If we can't stop it, we will make a run for it. "

She nodded. They still had not found the other bomb yet. If there was one.

She took a deep breath and eyed Didi, who was sweating profusely. "Smile, Wang He Di. I just saved your brains."

There was a click sound when she moved her plier. The timer stopped. They both paused to listen. Didi quickly removed the bomb and heaved a big sigh.

"I can breathe now! Let's celebrate."

Yue held her hand up. Why didn't she think of this? A rhythmic bomb could be connected to the other one and when one timer is killed, the other timer would start the countdown.

"I missed out something important." Her eyes landed at the pillar.

A black rectangular box was tucked behind the pillar where Prof Yan sat. Both of them did not noticed it untill now.

She opened the box and gasped!

2 minutes!

"WANG HE DI!!! Go and save yourself! I must try to diffuse this!"

"Are you crazy??! It's too late."

"NOOOOO!!! I can do it." She fumbled with the panel next to it, and frowned.

"Someone is controlling this from outside."


"I can't see anything that I can stop it with."

"Shen Yue, we have to go!!!" Didi shouted, grabbing her shoulders. Realization finally hit her as he pulled her along with him.

We are going to die.

But her partner did not seem to think so as he wrapped his arm around her waist and half carried her up the auditorium stairs, to the exit, without even blinking his eyes.


They flew out of the door and landed face down on the ground as splinters splattered all around them. They could hear the faint siren sound from a distance. Nobody would be able to stop today's bombing.

"Are you okay??!!" Didi shouted, his ears ringing.

Yue lifted her face and nodded. She turned back and saw the disaster behind them.

"Is anyone hurt?!!" She asked, trying to stand up but the sound in her ears were ringing so bad, that she swayed one side, unable to control her body.

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