Chapter 19: The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing House Points

Start from the beginning

When I had finished my heart to heart with Harry, I headed to the library to study with Cedric and Danny. The only thing was that Danny wasn't there. He wasn't answering me through our bond other than to say that he was fine. I knew that there was no point in pushing him when he was upset, he would tell me when he was ready. But I still couldn't help but worry about him.

"This is pointless," I sighed, closing the potion book after I kept reading the same line about forgetfulness potion three times and still had no idea what I had just read.

"Worried about Danny?" Cedric asked closing his book as well.

"He won't talk to me! I've tried to ask him what's wrong but he just keeps saying that he's fine. He never says he's fine! It's always something stupid like he's happier than Han after he did the Kessel run in under twelve parsecs!"

"You do realise I have no idea what you just said, right?" Cedric said, making me laugh.

"Remind me to get you to watch all the Star Wars movies one day. Especially now that they are starting the sequel trilogy."

"How many are there."

"Six, well that's if you don't include the Clone Wars movie and series. And then there's Rouge One and the new movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story that has been announced," I said, mentally tickling off all the movies in my mind.

"So, there's going to be 12 movies in total?!," Cedric asked, shocked on just how many Star Wars movies there were.

"Yep, and I'm not going to be around to see them all," Danny said, walking up to us and leaning dramatically against the window.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing other than my heart will never be whole again," he told us, pulling a seat out and sitting down next to me, resting his head on the table.

"Is this about Maggie," Cedric asked him.

"Am I that obvious?" he asked, voice muffled by his arms that he resting his head on.

"Danny, I have known you since I was born. I can read you like a book."

"And I share a room with you Danny and your one of my closest friends. I know you better than you think."

Sighing, Danny lifted his head from his arms and looking like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"She's dating Roger Davies."

"Wait! What? Roger Davies as in the Roger Davies from the Ravenclaw quidditch team that insists on rubbing it in our faces when they beat us!" Cedric said, sounding slightly outraged that one of our closest friends was dating the Ravenclaw who didn't know the meaning of being a gracious winner.

"Danny, how do you even know she's dating him? I mean, she hasn't told me anything and usually I would be the first person she tells. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding and she probably just friends with him."

"Really! Then why is she kissing him!" Danny said, pulling his phone out of his pocket to show us a photo.

I had to hold back a laugh as I watched Cedric try to use the touch screen phone, trying to get the photo up. Pulling the phone out of his hand, I quickly opened up the gallery and found exactly what Danny was talking about. And he was definitely right about what he saw.

 And he was definitely right about what he saw

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