After dropping Samaira at her house, and I went home.

Khushi's POV

I don't know from where I got that courage to give them back answers, but it serves them good.

How dare he shout at me and how dare that girl call me a useless.
If I had not saved that girl, he could have been arrested. He should be thankful to me, but no, instead of saying thanks, he shouted at me and called me useless.

I don't know what he thinks of himself.

Heartless monster.

That poor little girl was also scared of that devil's shouting.

After they left, I collected my shopping bags and went home.

I entered the kitchen to keep those bags in the kitchen. Mom was cooking.

"Hi, mom," I kept those bags on the kitchen counter, and gave my mom a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Khushi, you came? Go, change and come. Lunch is already ready, and while coming call Divya too."

"Yes, mom," I went to my room and  changed my dress. After changing, I went to Divya's room to call her for lunch. She was busy on her phone by lying on her bed.


"Di, when did you come?" She asked by getting up from the bed.

"A few minutes back"

"How was your interview?" She asked by keeping her mobile aside.

"It was good. I got selected as a staff accountant," I said by giving her a fake smile. I was not in a mood after that road incident.

Divya gave me a tight hug "Congratulation, Di!!!! I  am sooooo happy for you" she cried in happiness and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, Divi," I hugged her back. She broke the hug, "what happened, Di? You don't seem happy. Are you not happy?" She asked me by cupping my cheeks.

Sometimes she acts as if she is my elder sister.

"Divi, nothing like that. I am happy, but I am tired now. Come let's go to have food before mom starts shouting."

she chuckled.

We both went downstairs to have food.

After having my food, I went to my room to take a nap.

My sleep got  disturbed by the ringing of my phone. I saw the ID, ❤Ritik ❤. My mood lightened up by seeing the ID.

I got up and swipe up to receive the call.

"Hello, Cutie pie,"

"Hello Ritik, how are you?" His calls and messages always bring a smile to my face.

"I am fit and fine. How are you all ?"

"We all are fine, and how is your work going?"

"Ok, like"


"And how is my Cutie Pie's boyfriend?"

"Shut up, idiot"

"Now don't tell me that you don't have a boyfriend?"

"Who needs a boyfriend when I have best friend like you who loves me so much?" I said dramatically. He laughed at my dialogue.

He is very special and very close to my heart. Since childhood, he was very close and very protective over me. Whenever some boys try to tease me, he used to beat the sh*t out of them. I am very lucky to have him as my friend and my brother.

We talked for about half an hour then hung up the phone.


When I was cleaning my room, Divya came and sat on my bed."Di, are you free?"

"Yes Divi, what happened?"

"Nothing, Di, I was getting bored. I want to sleep with you today"

"Okay, where is Mom?" I asked her by placing pillows on my bed.

"Mom went to sleep." She lay on the bed, and I also lie beside her.

"Di, can I ask you something?" She was facing the ceiling.

"Yes, there is no need to ask for permission"

"Di, what type of husband do you want in the future?"

I frowned.

Why on earth is she asking me that question?

She turned to my side. "Di, don't look at me like that, I just asked you. See, every girl dreams about their future husband, so I just want to know about your dream of your future husband. Ok my loving jiju (brother-in-law)" she winked at me and started laughing.

I slightly slapped her shoulder.

"tell me, Di"

"Okay, I want someone who will love me, who will care for me and support me. I want someone who will pamper me, understand me and who will stay faithful to me..........." I started telling her about my dream boy.

Suddenly, she hugged me, "Di, I will miss you when you get married. I don't know how I will live without you" She said hugging me tight.

"Don't worry, Divi. I will not go anywhere leaving you and mom"

"I love you, Di," she said still hugging me.

"I love you too. Okay, now sleep, you have college tomorrow," I told her.

She broke a hug.

"Di, you also sleep. Tomorrow is your first day of office. Good night, Di" she said and covered her with a blanket.

Just then the reality hit me, tomorrow is the day I have to face that heartless monster again.

Oh god, today only he warned me not to come in front of him.

God, please save me tomorrow from his wrath. That monster can do anything. I don't want to die this early and that too from his hands. God, what if he fired me? What if he insults me in front of people again? What if he kills me? ....I will leave that job.

"No no no khushi, think about your mom's health.. you can't do that," my subconscious said.

I drifted to sleep while praying to God to save me from that monster tomorrow.

Little did she know what was waiting for her tomorrow.

Let's see what is waiting for her tommorow.

Guys i hope you like  the chapter.

Please feel free to share your thoughts about this chapter.

Stay safe.

May god bless you all


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