But most of all, Jimin remembered thinking of a blood-thirsty siren that would appear from the darkest corners of the sea and tug him out of the tight grip of water. Even in his last moments, Jimin remembered hoping to be saved by a creature who's only desire was to feast on the flesh of a man, and yet, Jimin was not scared, not even if her breath would reek of flesh and death, even if her fingers would be stained with the blood of those she had killed.

Jimin would not be afraid, he would hope, hope that she'd offer to take him with her and teach him how to be like her- strong, powerful, feared.

Yet the help he received didn't come in the form of a fictional, bloodthirsty being, but rather a mere mortal man who had witnessed Jimin being swept away and had come to his rescue. And years later, as Jimin reminisced the traumatising event that had shown him that life was not splattered with the glittery blood of his imagination, yet had been cracked and ripped apart by the vicious reality, he realised that the siren that taught him how to be powerful, was masked in the form of a mere human.

Perhaps the memory Jimin had been wrapped up in could not be matched with the current predicament he was in. But, as he felt the lightest brush of Yoongi's lips against his own and the touch of his pale fingers against the warm skin of his hip, Jimin found something comforting in the familiarity of the situation. Because as he was sinking deeper into Yoongi's embrace and curling his fingers tighter around his shirt, Jimin had not been expecting to hear the sound of a gunshot. Nor had he been expecting for searing pain to erupt from his chest and spread through the rest of his body like wildfire.

Jimin could only gasp against Yoongi's lips as his mind was covered in a fog off pain before pulling away with a small pop. Raven lashes fluttered against Jimin's cheekbones and a stuttered breath puffed out of his lips, his legs went numb and would've crumbled underneath his weight if it wasn't for the pale arm looping around his waist to hold him up.

And when Jimin's honeycomb eyes dragged away from Yoongi's saliva coated lips and climbed over his nose until he could peer into the two pools of whiskey, Jimin wasn't met with wide eyes filled with concern, rather Yoongi's look of indifference towards the gunshot as if he wasn't surprised by it. That's when Jimin's head tilted down until his chin pressed against his chest and his eyes found the warm gun grasped between Yoongi's fingers. The gun that released its last huff of breath in the form of a string of smoke, the gun that was pressed against the hole spluttering out blood.

"Y...Yoongi.." Jimin barely managed to press his tongue against the back of his teeth to create the hushed whisper of the man's name. Jimin's eyes lingered on the gun before flickering over to the hole in his shirt- a bit lower than where his heart was supposed to be thrumming.

And that's when the reality crashed down on him, along with the pain and dizziness walking hand-in-hand with the wound he was gifted.

The pain blooming from Jimin's chest spread its thorny vines throughout his limbs. They curled tightly around his ankles and wrists until Jimin could no longer feel his little toes, causing his legs to crumble under his weight. And as Jimin began to fall to the ground with a shirt soaked in blood and a hole in his chest from the bullet of Yoongi's gun, his honeycomb eyes found comfort in the blue sky hanging over his head and the fluffy clouds swimming past the gleaming sun.

Before Jimin's back could collide with the ground and head could smack against the gravel road, Yoongi was quick to catch him and lower his body into his lap. But what he could not stop from falling were the crystalline tears chewing at the corners of Jimin's eyes and rolling down his cheeks, they left behind glimmering paths of silver on his cheeks and the taste of salt on his tongue- just like the day when he had almost drowned.

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