SEVEN- Merveilleuse

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Many months had passed since that New Year's Eve night and Anita and Sherlock forgot about the fight. Life went on. Sherlock was still focused on Irene's case, but was less grumpy about it, which brightened Anita's mood as well.

One day, Anita and Sherlock reached the top of the stairs at 221B and suddenly he stopped abruptly in front of the kitchen door. Anita had been explaining the plot of the book she had started to read recently, but stopped when Sherlock stopped. Sherlock had been listening to what she was saying, but only slightly. She gave him a befuddled look as she bumped into him slightly, not expecting him to stop so suddenly.

"Sherlock? Are you okay?" Anita asked as Sherlock sniffed deeply. Anita gave him a strange look, but had to admit that the flat did smell a little weird. Sherlock walked over to the window and saw that it was open. Anita looked around the room before realizing the smell was coming from Sherlock's room. Anita walked over to his room and opened the door before letting a puff of air out of her mouth. John had just walked into the flat with bags of groceries. Anita would have helped, but they had a more pressing matter on their hands.

"Boys, we've got a client," Anita called to them as she crossed her arms and leaned on the doorframe to Sherlock's room.

"What, in Sherlock's bedroom?" John questioned as Sherlock and him walked over to Anita's side to see what she was talking about. There, in Sherlock's bed, was Irene Adler, asleep.

After a while, Irene finally woke up and took a shower. She insisted on wearing one of Sherlock's dressing gowns, earning her an eye roll from Anita. She then sat down in Sherlock's chair as Anita and the boys were sitting at the dining table, looking over at her.

"So who's after you?" Sherlock asked her.

"People who want to kill me," she replied.

"Who's that?" Sherlock questioned.

"Killers," Irene answered, vaguely. Anita gave her a pointed look.

"It would help if you were a tiny bit more specific," Anita commented, leaning forward slightly.

"So you faked your own death in order to get ahead of them," Sherlock said, starting to piece it all together.

"It worked for awhile," Irene told them.

"Except you let John know that you were alive, and therefore us," Sherlock said, gesturing at Anita and himself. He knew John hated keeping secrets from Anita; they were just close like that.

"I knew you'd keep my secret," Irene replied.

"You couldn't," Sherlock remarked.

"But you did, didn't you? Where's my camera phone?" she questioned.

"It's not here. We're not stupid," John chimed in.

"Then what have you done with it? If they've guessed you've got it, they'll be watching you," Irene said.

"If they've been watching us, they'll know that I took a safety deposit box at a bank on the Strand a few months ago," Sherlock replied.

"I need it," Irene insisted.

"Well, we can't just go and get it, can we? Molly Hooper. She could collect it, take it to Bart's; then one of your homeless networks could bring it here, leave it in the cafe, and one of the boys downstairs could bring it up the back," John said, looking over at Anita and Sherlock. Anita had to admit that it was a brilliant plan.

"Very good, John. Excellent plan, with intelligent precautions," Sherlock commented.

"Thank you. So, why don't-oh, for-" John started to say when he noticed that Sherlock pulled the phone out of his pocket and held it up.

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