ONE- Take Her Home

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Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk

I'm a woman's man, no time to talk

Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around

Since I was born

Anita's face scrunched up as 'Stayin' Alive' by Bee Gee played from somewhere in the room. Anita looked up to Sherlock, who looked down and gave her a confused look. Then both of them looked over at Moriarty, who closed his eyes and sighed in exasperation.

"D'you mind if I get that?" he asked, politely.

"No, no, please. You've got the rest of your life," Sherlock said, nonchalantly.

Jim pulled the phone from his pocket before answering.

"Hello?...yes, of course it is. What do you want?" he asked the person on the phone. He turned to the duo and mouthed 'sorry' at them. Sherlock sarcastically mouthed back 'Oh, it's fine' back at him. Jim rolled his eyes as he listened to the phone. Anita kept her hands around Sherlock's arm as he kept the gun pointed at Jim.

"SAY THAT AGAIN!" Jim shouted into the phone, face full of fury. Anita jumped slightly and Sherlock started to rub his thumb on the back of her hand, trying to comfort her.

"Say that again, and know that if you're lying to me, I will find you and I will sssskin you," Moriarty hissed, venomously. Sherlock looked down at Anita briefly.

"Wait," Jim said. He lowered the phone and approached the jacket with the bombs attached to it. He stopped and gazed at it then looked over at the pair.

"Sorry. Wrong day to die."

"Oh. Did you get a better offer?" Sherlock asked him casually.

"You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock," Jim said, then he turned away and slowly started to walk away towards the door he originally came through, returning to his conversation on the phone.

"So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich. If you don't, I'll make you into shoes." Reaching the door, he raised his free hand and snapped his fingers. Instantly, all the lasers aimed at the duo disappeared.

As Jim vanished from sight, Anita let out a long breath as Sherlock looked around the gallery. Anita unwrapped her hands from his arm, but leaned against a nearby wall, her legs feeling like jelly.

"What happened there?" Anita asked, slipping slightly on the wall and almost falling on her bum. Not that Sherlock noticed.

"Someone changed his mind. The question is: who?" Sherlock asked. He looked around the pool for a few minutes longer, before turning back to Anita. Her legs were wobbling a bit, but she was otherwise unscaved.

"Sherlock, please. Actually take me home this time," Anita said, pushing herself off the wall. Sherlock nodded and grabbed her, making sure to hold her at all times so she didn't fall.

The duo caught a cab, heading back to their home, 221B Baker Street. Anita was sitting next to Sherlock, half asleep. Sherlock looked down at her and pulled her a little closer. His mind and heart were still racing.

If you were meant to tell her you love her, Moriarty wouldn't have interrupted. If it was meant to be, it would be.

Sherlock reasoned in his mind, but looking down at Anita, whose head now laid on his shoulder, he couldn't help but want to confess everything. But he didn't. Because he was scared. If she didn't feel the same way, Sherlock would have lost his closest friend and he couldn't stand that.

The driver stopped in front of 221 Baker Street and Sherlock woke Anita up, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the taxi. He paid the driver, before pulling her gently towards his flat. Once they got up the stairs, Anita had woken up a little bit. They walked into the living room, starting to pull off their coats and shoes in silence. Anita cleared her throat, catching Sherlock's attention.

"Thank you, for saving me and everything," Anita said, suddenly sheepish. Had Sherlock not shown up, who knows what would have happened to her.

"Yes, of course," he said and waved a hand dismissively at her before a new thought came to mind.

"He didn't hurt you, right?" Sherlock asked, praying that her answer would be no. It was his fault that she was even brought into the mess and if Moriarty had laid a finger on her, he would be pissed.

"No, I'm alright. I got a good punch in though," Anita commented with a soft chuckle. She would never ever tell Sherlock, but Moriarty had his men hit her in the stomach and chest a few times. It didn't hurt too bad though. They had horrible hooks.

They stood there for a moment, in silence, neither of them knowing what to do. Sherlock glanced over at Anita and took her in. She was clearly exhausted but there was no way she would get a good night's rest after what just happened. Then he remembered that he still had a promise to make up to her.

"I think I still owe you a movie," Sherlock said, knowing she wouldn't say no to him. He also knew she would fall asleep halfway through, and it was a part of his plan. Anita looked at him hopefully, glad she didn't have to actually say out loud of scared she was to fall asleep.

"I think you do," Anita replied, a smile forming on her face.

And so the duo got comfortable together on the couch and flicked through the channels on the telly until they found 10 Things I Hate About You. Anita had already seen the movie, having seen it when it came out in theaters, but Sherlock hadn't. Though, he predicted the whole movie ten seconds in. But he kept his mouth shut, as promised, and just enjoyed the moment. Some time after Patrick had performed his own rendition of 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' Anita had fallen asleep.

Sherlock stared at her for a while, noting how peaceful and relaxed she looked before shifting slightly. Anita's head was in the crook of his neck and shoulder and her left hand was draped across his chest. Sherlock couldn't help the warm feeling rising in his chest but he couldn't focus on it for too long, having more important things to worry about. Sherlock, being on the outside of the couch, slid until he was out from underneath Anita. He held her head in his hands until he found a pillow, and put it where he had been. He was still kneeling beside the couch, pushing back the stray hair that fell in Anita's face.

With a soft sigh, Sherlock reached up to the top of the couch and pulled down the blanket that sat there. He set the blanket down on her, tucking it in slightly on the sides. Then he leaned forward and kissed the crown of her head, gently. Sherlock stood up, glancing briefly at Anita's sleeping figure before sitting down in his chair, just in case Sherlock's plan didn't work and she awoke from a bad dream. For the second time in his life, Sherlock Holmes was watching over Anita O'Malley rather than the other way around. 

author's note !

Okay, official first chapter of this book. A sweet little moment between Sherlock and Anita and I am living for it. They are just so cute together and ugh its amazing. Hope you guys liked this chapter and don't forget to leave your support in the comments or vote for this story!

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