12: Kid Play, Beach Day, Say Hey, Hallway

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As the others all decided that a beach day would be fun, I walked down the hall to find Jay. It wasn't hard to spot Gabby's room, even if I didn't have Jackson guiding me there. Her door was completely covered with everything from drawings to pictures of her and her family to art projects from school.

"I think that door is going to make me go blind one of these days," Jackson said.

I laughed. "Yeah, just maybe."

Jackson opened the door and we walked into a room that was cluttered with toys, but they were currently pushed to the side so that Jay and Gabby could sit on the floor.

But "sit" was maybe the wrong word, because technically Gabby was tackling Jay to the ground, and Jay was laughing and letting her.

"I got you!" Gabby yelled.

"Oh no!" Jay said dramatically. "Someone help me!" Gabby giggled and then Jay rolled over and saw us. With wide eyes he said, "Gabby, look! Attackers! We have to stop them!"

"Don't worry! Princess Paige will stop them!" Gabby grabbed a doll and jumped up running toward us.

"Woah," Jackson called. "Gabby, you can't attack me!"

"Princess Paige is gonna get you Jackson!"

Jackson grinned. "Remember what happened last time?" When Gabby came close, he picked her up and turned her upside down. Gabby giggled and tried to turn rightside up again. "Oh no you don't," Jackson said with a smile and started tickling her. "No! No tickles!" Gabby said through laughter.

"Okay," he sighed, and set her back down. "Was Jay nice?"

"Yes! Jay played with me sooooo much."

I laughed. "Jackson, I think that was an insult to you."

"Probably," he nodded, then turned to Jay. "We're going to the beach, want to come?"


"Awww," Gabby whined. "I want to play still!" She pouted and plopped onto the ground.

Jackson sighed exasperatedly. "Then do you want to go to the beach with us?"

"YES!" she yelled excitedly. Jackson told us to go ahead while he got Gabby ready to go.

When we walked back down the hall, it looked like most people had claimed a room.

"Which one's mine?" Jay asked. I shrugged, then walked over to the room Alyssa and I were sharing. "Hey, which one is Jay's?"

Alyssa glanced up at me. "I think it's the third one on the left. We put your stuff in there."

"Nice, thanks," Jay responded, then walked back out.

Alyssa slipped on some flip flops and then pulled out her ponytail, getting her brush to redo it. I plopped down on my bed, which Alyssa had messily made, and I noticed she had also put the pillows back on the beds. "Hey thanks for cleaning this up, Lyss."

"No problem." Alyssa sat on the other bed, and messed with her hat as I dug through my suitcase for a pair of shorts to change into, instead of the pants I was currently wearing.

"You know, I've never been to the beach on the west coast," Alyssa said.

"Woah. You're right! I mean, it's still just the beach. But warmer, and good waves, and just better."

"Oh Miles, you are always going to be a Californian girl at heart."

"The thing is that I'm not really at all."

"I'm teasing Miles," Alyssa said, sticking out her tongue.

I laughed. "I know, silly. Now get out so I can change."

Miles Dilara and the Quest for Legends (A Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now