7: A normal person causes normal problems for not-so-normal teens.

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As we gathered back into the hovervan and got back on the road, I debated what to do. The only thing we had accomplished by talking to Medusa was finding that Tony had super powers. Which was good, but not helpful for our quest.

I took a deep breath, then said, "Guys, I think we should change the plan."

"Of course we should," Roxanne stated sarcastically.

I glared at her. "Look, we didn't accomplish anything for our quest by talking to Medusa. There is no way monsters are going to just talk about their encounter with Percy. I think we need to forget that plan and go straight to the underworld."

Everyone stiffened at that. I softened my gaze. "I know that doesn't sound like an appealing option, but we have to. That's what our quest is."

"She's right," Jackson agreed.

The others nodded, but Roxanne turned her seat around to face us. "There might be another way."

I looked at her, confused.

"We will still have to go to the underworld eventually, but before that we could stop by someone I know. Someone who could let us talk to Percy."

"A child of Hades?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. Her name is Jocelyn."

"Oh I remember her," Xander pointed out. "I never knew her, she left camp before I got there, but as the only child of Hades in years she was pretty famous."

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I do too," Jay agreed.

"Well, I've never heard of her," Alyssa shrugged.

"We should be able to Iris message her," Roxanne told us. "She went to college at New Rome, and as far as I know she still lives there."

"Perfect. Jackson, pull off at the next stop you see."

"Are you sure this Jocelyn can summon Percy?" Jackson asked.

"Yes," Roxanne said. "I've seen her summon people myself, now shut up and drive."

"Geez, I'm not the one in charge of this hovervan," he scoffed.

"You're the one driving it!" Tony said.

"It's on auto, kid."

"Oh, right." Tony exchanged a look with Roxanne, and she rolled her eyes.

"Everyone be nice already," Jay shouted exasperatedly.

"Nah, it's fun," Xander laughed, pretending to eat fake popcorn.

"You are so annoying," Roxanne told Xander, who shrugged, replying, "Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither."

I covered my mouth, trying to stifle a laugh, turning it into a cough.

"Look, victory boy, we are on a quest," Roxanne snarled. "I'm pretending to be nice for the sake of our lives, but I swear, if you want me to fight you, I will."

"I don't have the energy to pretend to like you right now," Xander said, leaning back in his seat.

"That's it. Jackson, stop the car. Me and Xander are going to have a little chat." Roxanne began pulling her cornrows back into a ponytail and tightened her boot laces.

Jackson glanced over at her. "You guys are actually doing this? Now?"

"Yes," Xander agreed.

The car was silent in anticipation, everyone watching Roxanne and Xander get ready for a fight. I honestly wasn't sure what to do. On the one hand, any fighting could lead to bigger problems and more drama on the quest. But on the other, Roxanne and Xander were both people with large personalities that didn't take well to being confined. They might need this to release energy.

Miles Dilara and the Quest for Legends (A Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now