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We were all in the choir room learning bad choreography.

"Can we stop, please?" rachel asks.

"You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go." Mr shue tells her.

"It's not my bladder. It's the choreography."

Me and Quinn. look at each other and smirk.

"Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?" Shue asks.

"It sucks."

(Flash back to the hall)

"It sucks." Quinn tells her.

"It's completely unoriginal." i add on.

"Are you guys going to get shunned for talking to me?" Rachel asks.

"Sweetie, we're a team now. But you've got to do something about Mr. Shue's dance routines." i say.

"We need Dakota Stanley. He's the best show choir choreographer in the midwest. He works with Vocal Adrenaline."

"You can't take regionals without him. He was the understudy to the candelabra in beauty and the beast on broadway." i reassure her.

(End of flashback)

"Just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever performed." he laughs.

"Did you ever perform, Mr. Schuester? After high school. Did you even try?" i asked him with a smirk.
A day later we were back in the choir room. when rachel comes back in telling us Mr Shue isn't coming.

"Of course he doesn't want Anything to do with us after you kicked him in the nads." Finn  tells her as he sits down next to Quinn.

"Then why did he thank me?" Rachel asks.

"The goal is to win. And now that Mr. Schuester has agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley, we can." Tana explains.

"But he doesn't want us to. He just doesn't have The confidence to coach us anymore. Guys are real sensitive when it comes to this kind of stuff."

"And that's my fault?" rachel asked finn.

"Do you see anyone else in here With a plate of "I'm sorry" cookies? I don't. Just you."

"I'm bored. All those in favor of hiring Dakota Stanley?" i ask. all except Finn raise their hand. the bell then rung. Me and Quinn then walked out the door knowing that our plan was working.
We had arranged to go see Dakota stanley.
"Damn, Kurt, this car is fly."

"My dad got it for my sweet 16 After I swore to stop wearing formfitting sweaters that stop at the knee. What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him."

"Are we even sure They're rehearsing today?" i ask.

"Vocal adrenaline rehearses every day From 2:30 until midnight. I'm just so nervous these Vocal Adrenaline kids are gonna laugh at us. They're so cool and popular, and we look like we just stepped off the short bus." rachel explains.

"Those sweaty Nazis have just had more time to practice. We have more heart. And you don't look touched in the head. That outfit is amazing." Kurt tells mercedes as Quinn and Santana smirk.

"So, would you ever, you know, want to hang out?" Mercedes asks.

"Come over. It's Liza Minnelli week on AMC!"

"Guys! That's Andrea Cohen. She won Outstanding Soloist last year at Absolutely Tampastic." Rachel points to her.

"You can't Leave rehearsals for any reason. That includes heat exhaustion or Crohn's disease."

♡ Turning Tables♡ - Glee FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant