The Rhodes not taken

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We were all in the choir room getting ready for the invitational. Finn and Quinn were singing don't stop believing saying as rachel left. It was going okay until Quinn got nauseous and ran out of the room.

"Quinn, you Ok?" Mr Shue asked her.

"I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito." Finn tells the group trying to cover up the fact that his girlfriend is pregnant.

"Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?"

"Your sexuality?" I ask and Santana gives me a proud smile.

"Rachel. We can't do it without her." Kurt says ignoring my comment.

"That's not true. We may have to layer Santana , Olivia and Mercedes over Quinn's solo, but...we'll be fine." Shue tries to reassure us.

"Maybe for the invitationals, but not for the sectionals and certainly not the regionals."

"The wheelchair kid's right. That Rachel chick wants me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing." Puck pipes up.

"Rachel left, guys. She's gone. If we want to make this thing work, we can't look back. Alright, take five minutes." Will says as we all walk out the room.


The next day Mr Shue had brought in a women to help us.

"Guys, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special. This is April Rhodes. She's our newest member."

April is very enthusiastic. And made finder guns to puck because he was checking her out.

"Wait, so old people can join Glee Club now?"

"Old, huh? You guys look like the world's worst Benetton ad." April says. I can tell she is drunk.

"Mr Schuester, this seems like a terrible idea." Artie said as he rose his hand.

"April is a great singer. And she never graduated."

"We appreciate what you're trying to do, but she's no Rachel."

"Who's Rachel?" April asks.

"Sh....She's kind of our star." Tina stutters. Kurt then explains that she left the group to be the main character in cabaret.

"Hey, Tinkles, give me "Maybe This Time" in B flat. And don't let me catch you snoozing."

MAYBE THIS TIME - April Rose and Rachel Berry

At the end of the song, while the Glee Club was so impressed that Kurt was in tears.

"Stick that in your pipe and smoke it."


April had tried to make a good impression with us glee kids and so far she had given kurt alcohol, told Tina and Mercedes how to shoplift meat in their vaginas, done bits with the jocks and me and her went on a shopping spree.

I was stood at my locker with puck talking about how much of a milf April was.

"I mean look at her. Better than your mom"

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