Vitimin D

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We were all in the choir room practicing for sectionals but because we don't really have much competition none of us were really putting any energy in.

"Five, six, seven, eight. Step, turn, out, in, ball-change, step ball-change step. You, you, you, you. And ba-ba-ba. turn..."

The group falters their steps and mr Shue became frustrated.

"Come on, guys, you're sleepwalking on me here. Give me some energy. We've got sectionals in two-"

Interrupting Shue Mercedes said "Please, sectionals is going to be a breeze."

While all of this was happening Finn was staring at Q's belly. God could this kid make it any more obvious.

"But if we coast through sectionals, we're gonna get killed at regionals. We have got to be on our game."

Kurt was sat watching a video on his phone as mr Shue was lecturing us.

"Sorry. Funny Youtube. It's the grape stomping one."

(Flashback to a week ago)

"Great news, guys. Just got the competition bracket for sectionals, and we are in really good shape. There's only two other teams. We beat them, we make it to regionals."

"Uh, who are the other teams?" Rachel asks.

"Drumroll please, finn."

"School for the deaf in Dayton, and someplace called Jane Addams Academy."

"Jane addams? That's a halfway house for girls just getting out of juvie." Mercedes scoffs.

"You don't know how many times I've been told I'm getting sent there by Figgins" i say laughing.

"Th-th-this is great!"

"People who can't hear what they're singing and criminals who don't care. It's gonna be a cakewalk. High fi..."

Artie offers up his hand to Britt for a high five. She high fives Tana instead.


We were all sat in the choir room a couple days later. My legs were over Mikes lap while he was talking about the football season.

Mr Shue interrupted us all when he started pinning pictures up on the wall and telling us about a competition.

"You guys have become complacent. You were great at the invitational, but you got to up your game if you want to get through sectionals. Okay, split up. Guys on the left side, girls on the right side. Let's go, come on. All right."

Kurt moves to group with the girls. But Shue makes him go back to the boys team.

"Here's the deal. Two teams. Boys versus girls. One week from today, you will each perform a mash-up of your choice."

"What's a mash-up?" Puck asks. I roll my eyes at how stupid that boy is.

"A mash-up is when you take two songs and mash them together to make an even richer explosion of musical expression. Boys will perform on Tuesday, girls the next day. I want you guys to go all out, okay. Costumes, choreography. Whoever wins the competition gets to choose the number that we do for sectionals." Shue explains.

"Wait, who's going to be the judge? Your gender makes you biased."

"Ah...There is going to be a celebrity judge."

"Wh-who?" Tina asks.

"Oh, you're going to have to show up to find out."

All us girls get up to walk out. This is going to be a breeze it's not as if any of those boys are going to give us competition. I mean look at them puck doesn't even know what a mash up is.

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