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"Fola you need to wake up", Mrs. Obed cried. "It's four weeks already. I can't take this anymore. Please wake up my dear."

"Mummy, Fola is a strong womanhood. She will be fine", Bolu consoled.

"School has resumed already and my daughter is still here laying lifeless. I am exhausted."

"Bimbo, it's okay. Let's be thankful that there is still hope for her survival", Mr. Obed remarked.

"I did not talk to you Wole so let me be", Mrs. Obed uttered with a high pitched voice.

Bolu quietly excused the couple.

Iremide was discharged two weeks ago but they all made An Nur hospital their new home. Mrs. Balogun and her son makes sure to visit everyday but always go back home to spend the night.

Iremide didn't know how best to take the issue. The woman he loved was laying lifeless in the hospital even after several assurance from the doctor that she will soon come around.

A week was turning into a month. He was scared they would spend another month in the hospital without any improvement from Fola.

He went to meet the doctor to ask some questions and he became more scared from the answers he got.

'Ignorance sometimes is a blessing', he mused to himself.

He was told a patient can be in a coma for a year or two or even 10 years.

He couldn't help but tear up in front of the doctor.

"Fola deserves better than this", he told the doctor.

"Everything happening is for a reason", the doctor told him with assurance.

"She is supposed to be in her 300 level now", Iremide complained.

The doctor chuckled, "You sound like an unbeliever. Her survival at the moment is what matters the most. The advice I can give is for you to help her process how to defer a semester or even a session. God is merciful and we have no idea the wonders he wants to do in her life."

Iremide felt guilty and ashamed of himself as he shuffled away with his crutches. Trials were making him lose his faith in the Almighty. He was mad at himself.

"Why are you being harsh to me like I am the reason for all that happened?", Mr. Obed questioned the angry woman.

"Aren't you responsible?", she barked at him.

"You want to turn the tables around right? I am supposed to be angry at you for allowing her to go without doing a thing."

Mrs. Obed warned: "Wole, you are pissing me off."

"You think I care? I was in the hospital for 2 good weeks but you couldn't even come check up on me. Bimbo, I almost had stroke. What sort of a wife are you?", Mr. Obed yelled.

"Oh really! You are a horrible man. All you can do is take up my one mistake and keep emphasizing on it like you are perfect. You don't appreciate my good deeds so how do you expect me to keep doing the good deeds when my so called husband doesn't give a shit whether I do them or not."

"Is that your problem?", he requested.

"Wole, don't......."

"Mummy", Bolu rushed back into the ward where Fola was laying.

Mr. Obed and his wife turned to look at her.

"What is it?", Mrs. Obed asked with anger at the interruption.

"Femi just called me now. Rachel has been arrested and she says Mr. Garba is responsible for the kidnap."

"What?", Mrs. Obed screamed standing up.

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