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"Daddy, I have been trying Rachel's number for 2 days now but it's not going through", Olamide complained to his father.

"Keep trying", his father told him nonchalantly.

"Dad, hope you haven't done anything to her because of the pregnancy?", he questioned his father.

Mr. Garba raised his head up from his phone and replied him. "What is that thing that I have done to your little sweetheart?"

"Dad, I know what you can do. Just let Rachel be. If she says I am responsible for her pregnancy, then it means I am actually responsible."

His father shook his head and smilled. "Olamide, sometimes you amaze me. You think I am doing all of these for myself? No, I am doing all this for your comfort. I know who Rachel is and the kind of person she is. Do you think my insistence on your marriage to Fola is for nothing? Of course not."

"Daddy, I know but just let Rachel be. I want to marry her not Fola."

His father chuckled lightly. "Apparently, you want to marry a woman that can satisfy you in bed just the way you want and not the one you have to teach every single thing. I can't say yes yet until I confirm the pregnancy is truly yours", his father finished.


"Don't daddy me. I am done talking", his father stood up and went to his bedroom leaving Olamide standing.


Femi spent the night with Mr. Obed at Zahrah hospital. When the doctor assured him that he would be fine, Femi quickly took his leave.

He went home to take his bath and also went to Mrs. Balogun's home to pick a few things for the ladies. He wondered where they took Ife, Ire's sister to. He didn't see her with Mrs. Balogun in the hospital and she wasn't home either.

Afterwards, he went to the station. He met with the D.P.O who was his friend.

"You won't believe they can't find the 5 million naira ransom that was supposed to be given to the kidnappers", Femi told him.

"What? How come?", the D.P.O asked.

"I assigned two of the police officers over there to go search the building and they came across the briefcase. I think Rachel and T-boy were trying to share the money before they got to know of Fola and Ire's attempted escape. I was in a hurry to take Fola who was unconscious to the hospital so I ordered one of them to come along with it while the other police drove us to the hospital."

"That's serious. You should have asked him to put the briefcase in your boot."

"It didn't even cross my mind. I was not myself", Femi uttered.

"How is she now?", questioned the D.P.O


"What? Oh my God!. So unfortunate."

"Yes I still can't believe it. I think we would have to release Rachel's mother", Femi told him.

"Why would you say that?", he asked.

"Rachel has been caught, Fola is dead", Femi stated.

"So? What if she knows about her daughter's evil deeds?"

"You need to keep her", Femi's assistance said coming in.

Femi and the D.P.O turned to look at him.

"Who?", Femi asked.

"Rachel's mother", he answered.


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