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Fola's mother knocked on her daughter's room the next day after seeing to the fact that her husband had left for work.

She wanted to have a heart-to-heart discussion with her daughter.

She noticed she came back from her outing the previous day looking miserable. She locked herself up and refused to allow anyone into her room.

'She even refused dinner', her mother mused as she knocked again.

"Fola, please open the door dear", she called impatiently.

"The door is open mum", Fola muttered from inside.

Her mother turned the doorknob and was suprised to see it open. She tried opening the door the previous night all to no avail.

She entered the room and met her daughter sprawled on her bed like a sick child. She rushed to her. "Folakemi."

"Mummy", she called back as she embraced her mother crying.

"It's okay my darling. Stop crying and talk to me", Mrs Obed comforted.

"Mummy I am fed up", she said miserably.

"Don't say that. Tell me what the problem is. You've been acting all strange since you came back from your fiance's place yesterday. What happened? Did he do something to you?", her mother asked in one breath and scared of what Fola's reply would be.

"Mummy", Fola whispered looking up from the embrace at her mother. "He tried to have sex with me", she finally said and bursted into tears.

"What?!", her mother exclaimed. "Fola, I warned you not to accept him yet but you wouldn't listen", she scolded.

"Mum", she uttered in between sobs. "You told me you would pray to God so I can make a good decision. Haven't you been praying?", she questioned.

"I have Fola. I have been doing that earnestly and I am not ready to stop anytime soon", her mother answered with tears too.

"You see", Fola said opening her arms wide dramatically. "That is what I am saying. You have been praying and I ended up accepting him then it means that is what God wants."

"Don't say that", Mrs Obed said wiping her daughter's tears. "There is a reason for everything."

"Mum I am doing it for your happiness."

"Your happiness is my happiness", her mother retorted back.

"This is what God wants", Fola blurted.

"Why are you talking like an unbeliever?", Mrs Obed scolded her frowning.

"You are being childish. When I told you to make a decision on your own, I thought you were matured enough to know the right from the wrong but you have just proven me wrong. You were living a life I never wanted for you. You were carried away by the show of respect, position and affluent they possess", her mother stated.

"Let me tell you a short story", she continued cleaning her tears before clearing her throat.

"Abike used to be a friend of mine. She was a spinster till the age of 35. When she clocked 30, she prayed to God and fasted just so she could get a man. She then came across Olatunji on a social media platform and he asked her out. Abike thinking her prayers were about to be answered, quickly accepted him and they dated for a year. Olatunji all of a sudden, told Abike he was fed up with the relationship. He left her broken and she gave up in life. She became adamant about getting married despite the protest and struggles of her mother. Abike refused to give any man a chance not until one day. She met with a long time friend who was more like a brother to her. They've known each other for close to 10 years. Adeshina who saw how emancipated she was, asked her what the problem was with her. Then she explained everything to him. As fate would have it, Adeshina just got a Federal Government job then which was not too far from Abike's family house. Out of sympathy and with a sense of loyalty, Adeshina made it a routine to always check up on Abike after the close from work just so she could get rid of the hurt. Every night, they meet and gist till 10pm when he would leave for home. After a month, Adeshina confessed his feelings for Abike which he had been nursing even before they graduated from the university. Abike was confused, disappointed and mad at him and then, refused to give him a chance not knowing they were meant for each other. Abike's mother was a great mother who took it upon herself to see to it that her daughter accept Adeshina. After much fasting and prayers, Abike realised he was meant for her. She confessed to her mother that she used to have a crush on him when they were in school and because she saw him more like a brother, the crush faded. That was how Abike and Adeshina got married and they lived happily ever after", she finished.

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