I can't believe you.. (Tory part 2 [AU])

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You get with sam

I stormed out past Hawk. Getting into my car. I let out a scream that sounded like I would shatter any glass in its path but it didn't. I would barely hear it over the music coming from the house and the backyard. 

I was driving down the roads towards Cobra Kai, I was quitting. I don't care if that makes me a pussy or weak. I'm not training at a dojo with my bitchy ex and her 'new boyfriend'.  Parking my car I stormed up to the dojo, flinging the door open which startled Kreese and Sensei Lawrence.  

   "Y/n?" Sensei Lawrence asked. "What are you doing here so late?" I just stared at him with an angry expression. 

   "I quit." I was breathing heavily. "Fuck you. and fuck this." They both looked at me confused and shocked. Kreese stepped forward. 

   "You can't quit Y/n. You're one of our best fighters. Why are you quitting?" He asked me. 

   "Why don't you ask the cheating bitch of a blonde you call Tory(this hurt to write cause I love Tory as well as Miguel), or maybe the dick you call Miguel. I found them sucking faces at the party we were at tonight. So, I'm not training with those two. Bye." I left without letting them process what I just told them. I walked back out of my car again, forgetting something. I grabbed my gi out of the back seat opening the door and throwing it in, not caring where it landed. I got back into my car driving to the beach. 

   When I got there I just sat in the sand, staring at the ocean.  The moon caressed the open water, making it glisten.  Then I heard huffing. Like someone just ran a marathon. I got up, walking over to it.  I looked down at a log while walking over to the noise, seeing a water bottle and a jacket. I turned the corner at a tree near the end of the beach, toward the parking lot. There in the clearing stood Sam LaRusso, Training. She was doing some sort of Miyagi do stuff. I was never really mean to her, but that's because I've never talked to her. Since I was dating Tory, I guess it was like 'protocol' not to talk to her or even smile. I watched her, while leaning against the back of a tree. She had a fire roaring  in the middle of the circle of cypress trees.  I cleared my throat. She jumped startled, and turned quickly to see me. It she had the same look on her face as when I saw Tory come off Miguel; Pure and utter shock. 

   "oh- uh- what are you doing h-here." She stuttered. I chuckled deeply, walking over to the fire and sitting down next to it. 

   "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just saw you and I've had a rough night, came to the beach, saw you and I guess just watched." She smiled seeing I was genuine about not hurting her. 

   "So, you're stalking me now?" She walked over sitting next to me, about 3 feet away. I shrugged. She laughed.  I just stared into the flames, grabbing a stick and poking the logs to make them stay alive. I saw out of the corner of my eye that she was watching me, with concern on her face. 

   "I thought you Cobra Kai had a party tonight?" She asked, grimacing when saying cobra kai. I sucked a tight breath in. 

   "Yea, well I'm no longer Cobra Kai." She looked at me with confusion. god, why is everyone so confused today,  I thought. "i quit, after I saw Tory making out with Miguel at the party." She was about to say something, but I cut her off. 

   "i don't know why i'm telling you this, why would you care. No one does." I muttered, starting to stand up. I stopped mid-way when I felt a warm hand grab mine. I looked down at her, she pulled my down to sit again. I hesitantly did.  

   "Well, I care. I always thought you were this bitchy girl, no offence, but I always wanted to actually talk to you. you seem genuine, and smart, and nice, Unlike.. Tory." She blushed. I laughed. 

   "Nah, It's okay you can bad mouth Tory. I don't care for cheaters and well we broke up so yeah." She giggled, nodding. 

   "But I wasn't lying you do seem really sweet and you're really pretty." I smiled at that. I hadn't had a lot of people call me pretty besides Tory and my dad and mom. 


I scooted closer to her. I don't know why But I had the urge to open up to her, tell her my darkest secrets. We sat close to each other, She opened her phone, and while looking away at the phone, I glanced up at her. Her silky, curvy dark brown hair swayed in the light breeze, Her piercing blue eyes, had no compare to Tory's green. Tory's were beautiful yes, but Sam's were full of happiness, not bitterness. I glanced to the other features of her face, taking in her pink lips and peach colored cheeks, which changed to red quite quickly. I trailed up back to her eyes, only to be gazing into them fully. I blushed profoundly and looked away mumbling a quick sorry. What's wrong with me?? I never blush. I thought to myself. Sam giggled. 

They chatted for hours, laughing and not caring about the time. Y/n even agreed to join Miyagi-do

   "Hey, so I know I just broke up with someone but you're like awesome. And I know that if you don't want to cause you may think you're a rebound but you wouldn't. I just wanted to ask you on a date." I asked shakily, not knowing if she would say yes. I had never felt this before, Tory always made the first move, and this was a new feeling that I loved. It was true, Sam was great even though we'd just met, I knew that she would be my new best friend and maybe more. Maybe you know the feeling that you experience when meet someone new and just know immediately that they will be with you forever no matter what.  

   "I would love to, and I trust you. I don't know why really," we laughed, "but I know that you're not that type of person to do that to someone, you're better than Tory. Sweeter." I blushed. I didn't know why I was blushing so much tonight. I guess it's just that feeling of Euphoria rushing through me that's making me act different to when I was with Tory. All my anger and sadness had been washed away; of course it still lingered in my brain, 'was I not good enough?' 'What did I do wrong?' but that wasn't my top priority right now. That was starting something different and new , something that would make my life easier; Better. 

I don't know if this was good or not, I kinda rushed it. Sorry about grammar mistakes and errors. Someone suggested that I make and AU of some sorts I guess so I wrote it real quick. 

Hope it didn't suck, I changed the pov on this so it was 1st person. Which did you like better:

3rd person POV


1st person POV

again; shope it didn't suck, I thought It was really cheesy

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