Chapter 1

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"Ok but the Golden music video was so good," Cho gushed. I was walking back to my shared apartment with my two best friends and roommates, Cho and Ki. The entire way there, Cho was talking about how enticing Harry Styles's new music video was, and to be completely honest, I couldn't blame her.

"Oh my God the door's open," Cho stopped bickering about Harry to point that out.

"It's fine," Ki said, her hand inching into her purse, presumably to grab her pepper spray.

"Who was the last one to leave?" Cho questioned. I stayed quiet, knowing it was me and not wanting to get scolded. Even though I was the oldest, I was the most irresponsible. Whereas Cho, the youngest was the most responsible. Ki was right in the middle, doing what a middle child would do. "Y/N!" Cho slapped my arm.

"SORRY I FORGOT!" I tried defending myself. "I can just go in, no big deal."

"When you get murdered, I hope you die knowing it wasn't my fault," Ki said.

"Oh, do you wanna go in then?" I taunted. I walked in front of the two, towards the door that was creaked open.

"Chenle?" The 'intruder' in the apartment questioned as the door squealed open.

"Not Chenle, but what are you doing in our apartment?" I asked. The boy looked flustered at my choice of words, his voice not at all matching his sweet face.

"Awwww that isn't a murderer," Ki said, walking in to greet the boy. "My name's Ki," she said smoothly, her voice being a bit quieter than usual.

"Uh Jisung," the so-called Jisung boy stuttered. "Sorry for breaking into your apartment," he continued shyly. I caught his fingers fiddling with each other, which abruptly stopped as soon as my eyes dialed in on them.

"It's not your fault, someone forgot to lock the door," Ki glared at me.

"JISUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE" another boy scrambled into the apartment.

"Chenle told me this was our apartment!" Jisung said defensively, throwing his arms in the air.

"So sorry, would you like to come over for some tea, something to make up for Jisung's behavior?" The new boy asked, eyes darting toward Jisung. His gaze softened while turning to me, I couldn't stop myself from staring at his perfectly structured face. "Oh, sorry, the name's Jaemin," he said with a crooked smile.

"y/n," I answered, sticking my hand out to shake his. To which he dapped me up and brought me into a bro-hug. Strange, but unopposed, considering the sweet aroma of his cologne.

"We'd love tea, Jaemin," Cho chimed in, interrupting my unwarranted sniffing of an unfamiliar man.

"I haven't seen you on campus before. Is it your first year?" Jaemin asked, trying to make the awkward atmosphere dissipate into comfort.

"Was it that obvious?" Cho joked. Jaemin nodded with a chuckle.

"Jisung's new here, too," he replied. Jisung turned his head at the sound of his name. Him and Ki had been talking on the walk to the boys' apartment.

Apartment 127. The numbers on the door looked a bit more beat up compared to the numbers on our door. Jaemin got in front of my view by putting in the pin to open the door.

"Wait, what if this is some sort of scheme for them to kidnap us," Cho said, turning to Ki and me. Highly unlikely on our small college campus, but the caution was appreciated.

"Yeah, what if there's poison in the tea?" Ki added in.

"You guys are so paranoid," I said, rolling my eyes.

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