Chapter Fourteen: Oh Hell No!

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe you didn't use protection!" Rosalina yelled walking back and forth. "How come this wasn't a big deal before" I ask.

Rose shrugged. "Meghan just got over her hangover and I just realized what the hell happened" Rose said sitting beside me and Meg on the couch.

"I was drinking while I was pregnant" Meghan said crying.

"Its okay it will be okay" I try comforting her.

It was a huge deal but I didn't want to stress her out even more. "Why do you smell like smoke?" Meghan asked looking up at me.

"Um..." I say looking down at the ground.

"Were you smoking!?" Rosalina questions with an eye brow up. She looked very angry.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it" I said honestly. I was biting my lip so hard I think it was gonna bleed.

Rosalina rolled her eyes as she got even more frustrated. "

Ariana walked in with Serenity asking Meghan all sorts of questions. Like what she is gonna do with it? and who's the baby daddy?

Meghan spoke up. "Its Josh's" She mumbled.

"Tell him to come over" I said handing my phone to her. After a while of them talking she put the phone on speaker.

"Can the guys come?"  Meghan asked.

"Yeah but not Xavier" Rosalina said bluntly.

"He's the Alpha sorry Luna he has to come" Josh said through the phone.

Rosalina huffed. "Fine" she mumbled.

A couple minutes later the boys buzzed in. I let them in as they arrived in the apartment in a couple minutes. They all walked in.

"What's going on?" Josh asked smiling and sitting beside Meghan while kissing her forehead.

He knew she was sick but he didn't know she was pregnant.

"She's pregnant you fool" Rose spoke up. "I still don't get why this ass hole is here" she said pointing at Xavier.

she glared her hardest at him. "I'm the Alpha I can be here if I want" he said glaring back at her.

"So I've heard" she said in a sarcastic tone. While smirking. I'm so proud of her.

Bryan hugged Ariana and Blake came and kissed Serenity's cheek.

We all sat down as Josh's jaw dropped "I'm gonna be a father?" he said unsure of him self. "That's great!!" Josh finished with a big smile on his face.

"No its not, I'm not keeping it!" Meghan shouted standing up.

His face turned red from all the anger growing in him. He stood up pushing Meghan against the wall his hands rested against the wall. She was trapped between his arms and the wall. He punched the wall beside her. Meghan let out a small scream.

Ariana stood up. "Oh hell no! get away from her" she said grabbing his shoulder.

He thew back his elbow hitting Ariana's small fragile nose. She stepped back holding her nose as it began to bleed.

"Fuck" Ariana mumbled facing Bryan. Bryan stood up I stayed seated not wanting to get in it. Bryan ran over and pulled Josh to the ground and start punching and kicking him. Meghan collapsed to the floor crying with fear. I covered my eyes  from seeing what was happening.

"STOP PLEASE" Meghan pleaded covering her face.

"Go do something Alpha" Rosalina said in a mockery tone to Xavier.

Finally Xavier got up and pulled Bryan off of Josh.

"Stop it your acting like children!" Xavier yelled and growled.

Rosalina nearly jumped when she heard him growl. It was pretty loud. Both of the boys looked down ashamed of there actions. "We will talk about this in the pack house today understood?" Xavier said in his Alpha voice. It was scary I nearly shit my pants.

"Understood Alpha" the boys said in sync.

He looked at Rose with a soft look. She just looked away from him. It was sad they were cute together.

"I'LL KEEP IT GOD DAMN IT!" Meghan screamed at the top of her lungs. She was fed up with everything and she was tired of fighting. She stood up running to her bedroom she slammed her door shut. Serenity ran in after her. The apartment was silence. Josh looked ashamed he left behind him Bryan left.

Xavier left just before he left the door he turned around and faced Rose. "Bye Rosalina" he said hoping she would respond but she walked away to Meghan's room, staring at the ground. He looked sad, Xavier left with Blake beside him.

It was just me and a big hole in the wall now. 'What just happened I said to myself. The apartment was filled with complete silence.  



I UPDATED AGAIN!!!!!! hope u enjoyed this chapter love you guys 

Don't forget tooooo...






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