Chapter 13

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(A/N : Thank you so so much for reading this it means a lot haha :) Ok let's continue)

Quinn's POV
I, the head cheerleader, 'school-royalty' had just been slushied. And I'm pretty sure everyone knew what Finn meant.
"That's what you get for stealing MY GIRLFRIEND"

"Why did this have to happen? I didn't choose to be attracted to Rachel Berry, of all people, or be a lesbian! Wow...I can't believe I just said that." I complained to Santana and Brittany
"Quinn, we get it. I mean, although Britt and I aren't out to everyone we get it" said Santana
"I don't know how on earth I'm going to keep my reputation this way"
"Quinn, Lord Tubbington got a paw reading from someone and apparently it says you win Winter Ball Queen. It's magic too, so you have to believe it"
"Thanks Britt, but honestly I don't see how. Everyone here is so homophobic!"
"We will find a way, Quinn." Santana re-assured me.

Rachel's POV
I feel terrible. TERRIBLE! Finn had tricked me again! I have to go and find Quinn. Even Santana looked angry at me, as if I set this up too!
I started running down all the corridors shouting her name.
"Quinn?? Quinn, where are you??"
Then I realised, she always went to the Choir Room to escape. Well, at least she did last year, when we were best friends.
I was right. She was there.
"Quinn, thank God I found you!! we have to talk"
She looked at me with those sad eyes, I felt awful.
"Did you plan it?"
"Of course not!!" I exclaimed, "Quinn, that'd be horrible! Especially because I.." i lowered my voice, "Kissed you."
"Well. You never know" she said, a tear escaping from her eye.
"I'm so sorry. Come here" I said, holding out my arms.

She fit into my arms perfectly, like the first time we hugged in the auditorium. It felt as magical as it did that first time, the killer hug was back.

"We do need to talk though" I laughed
"Rachel. We can't!"
"It's fine! My dads are one hundred percent supportive of us, and of me! It's fine!"
"Well you don't have a rep to carry, or parents who would burn you like a witch if you were gay!"

And she's gone, again.

Quinn's POV
"Hi Lezzie" a voice called me, as soon as I walked around from the corner, exiting the auditorium.
I look to see who it is, and immediately wince.
"I knew it was true!" the same voice said
"Meghan. You can't tell anyone! Please!" I begged
"Wow. Quinn Fabray begging." she paused "Its too late anyway."
" DARE you?!" I screamed, "I have NOTHING now. It's all your fault!"
"You could've chosen to go to a Lesbian Colony, or not be a lesbian at all"
"I can't choose, Meghan. I wish I could!"
"I'm going. Have fun making out with Berry, or is she back with Finn? Uh oh, better go. If she's back with him, you'll want a new girlfriend and you'll throw yourself at me. That's what lesbians do. Get used to it! Bye bitch"

In tears, I run, away from the auditorium, through the hallways, away from the classrooms, the park and walk into the parking lot.

I immediately dial Blaine. He'll understand.

"Hi! This is Blaine. I'm sorry I can't take your call right now. Leave a message! I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Bye!"

Darn it! Blaine told me he had a romantic date with Kurt watching his favourite movie in a field today. I bet they're having fun, that's Kurt's dream.
But I can't help but feel even more alone.
I guess I'll be late home today.

I just want you (Faberry)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें