Chapter 7

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Quinn's POV
"LUCY QUINN FABRAY you'll never guess what just happened!" screamed Santana, as she walked into my room
"What, Santana? And also, take off those boots! They're really muddy"
"Ugh, whatever, Quinn!"
"What was the news?"
"I'll tell you if you can get me some doritos I saw in your pantry downstairs." she replied, using puppy dog eyes.
"Ok ok, fine, but just tell me now"
Santana picks up her phone and reads some messages out from Kurt on her iPhone.
"So, Kurt told me that Finn had Rachel over, and that Rachel said that she wasn't going to date Finn, it wasn't fair on you!"
"Wait what? We had a conversation in the auditorium about if it feels right then she should!"
"Well I don't know. But Quinn, are you interested in her?"
"I'm not sure"
rachberry: i don't know if santana told you, but the three of us are hanging out tonight at the movies

Rachel's POV

"Kurt! Can you please help me pick out my outfit? me, Quinn and Santana are going to the movies tonight."
"A three way date? I never knew you were into that" Kurt looks, surprisingly joking
"It's not a date!"
"It's fine. But one thing. I saw you and Quinn hugging for approximately 3 whole minutes in the auditorium a few days ago. What was that?"
"She was sad, so I hugged her?"
"But why didn't you date Finn? Do you like someone else?"
"I don't know. I feel like there was chemistry when we hugged."
"Wait...Quinn? Rachel, are you a lesbian?"
"Kurt! I'm straight! I do like Finn! but it's not fair on Quinn!"
"But you liked the hug with Quinn?"
"It felt different. A good different. But I'm not gay, Kurt"
"Well, I'm always here for you if you need me. Who am I to judge?" he says, pointing up and down.

We burst into laughter at the same time. That's why i love Kurt, he's so like me. Twins. He's always there for me.

Quinn's POV

"Santana we are 15 minutes late! I said there was going to be food at the cinema!"
"I needs my McMuffin though, Q!"
"What if Rachel's left?"
"You texted her! It's fine, she'll understand"

I get out the car as soon as it is parked and run over to Rachel, I feel so guilty we are this late.
"I'm s-sorry Rachel..S-Santana insisted we take the McDonalds route..." I panted
"Quinn, relax it's okay! We still have 10 minutes, that's plenty of time to get snacks and go to our seats"
She gives me one of her amazing, delicate hugs and I close my eyes.
"Oh-" she says after parting, noticing i have my eyes closed
"Hii Berry!" Santana runs over to us, breaking the tension
"H-hey Tana!"

We walk over and get seated. We are watching the newest musical, Rachel picked it, of course. Everyone in Glee has been obsessing over it so we thought we would check it out!

During the movie, I feel the need to grab on to Rachel's hand, so I did. The whole musical is about taking risks because we only live once, and that's why I did it. She didn't look at me but I could tell she was smiling, and I started smiling and my heart beated like the beats you hear at a heavy metal concert. If this is love, I'll not have a rep any day.

I just want you (Faberry)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat