Chapter 8

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Rachel's POV

I walk into Glee again, glowing because I know I'll see my best friend, Quinn. I was so excited to see her after watching that Musical with her. It was absolutely magical. I kept pretending I was in it, too! That's my dream. Quinn is, too.

"Hello everyone! I have big, big news!" I exclaimed, as I burst into the room
Quinn and I instantly lock eyes and smile.
"So, what's the news?" Brittany Pierce says, looking very excited and clapping her hands together.
"Well- I am hosting a party!!"
"Like the one last year?" Puck cuts in
"Yep! Let's try to not trash the place though, like we did last time"
"Oh my Godddd! Yes! I was waiting for a party! It's been a tough week" Mercedes cheered
"I can't wait to show my sweet moves on the floor" chuckles Artie

quinnfabrayy: I can't wait for the party x
rachberry: glad. it'll be so fun! :D x

After school, I get everything prepared for the party. My dads are out of town on a business trip. I get dressed up in my favourite beige dress, tight fitting but long, and put in golden infinity earrings. I can already tell this is going to be a blast!

Quinn is the first to arrive. Which I'm glad.

Quinn's POV

For Rachel's party, I get dressed up in my lilac dress, it's quite flowy but short, and but on my favourite necklace, the one that I first met Rachel in. Who knows what will happen tonight?

"Omigod, Hi Quinn!"
"Wow- look..."
"you look like that too!"
I chuckle awkwardly. WHY AM I SO AWKWARD? ugh!!

Saved by the bell. Brittany and Santana come into the room, Brittany is covered in the same lipgloss Santana is wearing. Maybe they're official, or they don't care, or they've been drinking. I smile at them. They're so brave!

"Let's get this PAR-TAY STAR-TED!" screams Brittany, already stripping, and hitting the music on.

People arrive in other small groups, aka Klaine, Mercedes and Tina, Pinn (Puck and Finn) until everyone is there.

A very drunk Puckerman, who probably just wants to hook up with someone, suggests we play Spin The Bottle, each time someone gets picked they are removed from the game.
First, Finn spins the bottle, and it originally lands on Tina but he kicks it to land in Rachel's lap. Rachel, who's completely sober, declines and says it's cheating if you do that, which I admire so so much!
Kurt got Blaine, Mercedes got Artie, Mike got Tina...etc.

Puck is the second to last person to spin, and it lands on me. Satisfied, he leans over to me and requests a 7 minute heaven, and everyone edged us on. Except from Rachel, who was frowning gently. I went.

"Puck, I can't do this. I can't do anything" I whispered
"You're such a party-pooper, Fabray!"
"Just because you want to be laid and I said no?! You're out of your mind!"
"Yeah, exactly. Because I'm hot, why did you say no?"
"Puck, I'm...I'm a-"
"Spit it out. I'm not wasting my time with someone who can't satisfy me"
"a lesb- I should've guessed. That's fine. Sorry I was such a jerk."
"Don't tell anyone, please!"
"I won't Fabray, chill out!"

And there I was, left crying on the cold, hard floor of Rachel's basement.

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