Chapter 6

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Quinn's POV

"Everybody!! Sit down!"
I'm in glee club and I feel very out of place. Yes, Brittany and Santana are here, but I still feel...different.
Mr Schuester enters the room and starts scribbling something on the board, everyone around me seems to be vibrating with happiness and excitement to see what this Week's lesson was. I remember feeling that way, too.
I can't even look in the direction of Finn sitting near the drum kit, twiddling the drum sticks. I can't believe he ran off with Berry again, especially when she said she wanted to be friends.
I secretly hope he feels guilty sitting over there. Hope he knows what he's missing. To be honest, what is he? he was with a closet queer girl. Maybe he deserves to know that? I'm not sure. I can't blame him running off with Rachel. She's super-talented, beautiful, funny, has a future, a life, a dream. Her eyes glow at that. I'd date her if I was a boy, for sure. If I was Finn.
Mr Schuester steps back from the board,
announcing that this weeks lesson was 'The Truth Hurts'. I'm seriously thinking he's a mind-reader, or something like that. So weird!
rachberry☆: hey Q! we need to talk. meet me in the auditorium around lunch? :)
quinnfabrayy: sure. whatever. see you then, I guess.

I put my phone away
Why can't I be mad, angry or feel any emotions of pain for this breakup? That's normal! Why can't i blame Finn for liking her? Why can't I blame him for cheating? I'm a shell of a person, I've got nothing that he would ever want!

I walk to the auditorium, crying.
I assumed Rachel heard my sobs, and my footsteps, the squeak of my tennis shoes on the shiny stage floor. She runs up to me, looking genuinely guilty, and gives me a hug. I immediately lighten up.

I just wanted to stay there forever. Although I'm taller than her I feel at home in her embrace. Her grip was perfect. Better than Finn's for sure, where i'd only want it to last 1 second. that was uncomfortable. This is delicate. She's an angel. Why was this so irresistible? I laughed in my head.

It must have lasted an awkward minute too long, where we suddenly pulled apart and laughed at eachother.

"I'm sorry Quinn. We were just hanging out as friends when he suddenly kissed me..I'm not saying I didn't want it, and I'm sorry, I know it's wrong, but it felt right, you know?"
"I do" I said, thinking about how much it felt right to hug Rachel
"What's wrong, you look scared and sad"
"I should go, I'm sorry, I can't speak"

I started walking when Rachel shouted...
"Killer hug, right?"
I laughed out loud. I felt like I was floating.

I think I know what I'm going to sing in Glee Club this week!
satanlopez: bitch I saw you in the auditorium hugging rachel wth happened
quinnfabrayy: come over i have to tell you

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