Hanging out with 'yungies

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Little: Jeongin

Caregivers: Minsung

Requested By:   @LittleJanggun

This isn't your author, this is a bag of bones and coffee. Assessments are the cause of my absence. My coffee machine is broken.


It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm trying to get all the requests done...


HAPPY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY, NCT!!!! As a fellow NCTzen, I am squealing my heart out and disturbing my neighbours.

This is ✨FLUFF✨ 😤😤



Jeongin perked his head up at the sound of the oh-so-familiar screech resonating from the living room. He could recognise that voice from anywhere, where it may be coming from China or 6 metres under the Earth. Jeongin carefully tucked his soft toys into his bedsheets before running out of his room into the living room.

"Min'in called! Does Min'in wan somethin'?"

Jisung and Minho smiled gently at the question before pulling Jeongin onto the latter's lap. "No, I didn't need anything, Baby is so nice asking that question, isn't he?" Jeongin puffed out his chest in pride and acted like he was just been given an Oscar. Said facade didn't last long as soon as Jisung began to tickle both of them.

"A-aah, S-sungie, stawwp!"

Jeongin laid limp in Minho's embrace, tuckered out from the intense tickle fight. Minho then began to poke the area around his neck, causing ticklish shivers to run down his spine. "N-no, Min'in...'m tired..." Jisung and Minho shared a glance before staring back down at their baby fox on Minho's lap. "But if Innie is too tired, he can't go to the park for a picnic...oh what a shame..."

Jeongin jerked up from his previous positions and swivelled his head around. "W'y didn' you twell Innie? Inne could've twold Sqwirrel 'n Meow." Minho bounced the little with his legs while Jisung stared lovingly at the boy, frustrating Jeongin as his question wasn't answered. "Meow 'n Sqwirrel is sad now!"

"Why don't you go tell Squirrel and Meow that you'll take them with you?"

Changbin walked into the room, a computer bag in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.  "If you guys wanna head out, I recommend that you guys go now, I saw that the little park is kinda crowded." At those words, Jeongin scrabbled off Minho's lap and rushed to his room, where he gently untucked his favourite plushies from his bed. "We're goin' to da pwark!"

 Jeongin shoved his soft toys into his backpack that featured Totoro before exiting excitedly. He met his caregivers at the door, Jisung holding a picnic mat while Minho struggled with the packed picnic basket. Jeongin giggled and skipped down the path of the dorm. He looked absolutely adorable dressed in an oversized hoodie and shirt which gave him sweater paws.

 He looked absolutely adorable dressed in an oversized hoodie and shirt which gave him sweater paws

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