13; new girl on the block

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"I was born in 1932, bud," Nico smirked as Hades winced in pain and Zeus willed himself invisible, "Beat that. You won't."

"1932," Nathan sighed, before turning to his birth mother with inquiry in his eyes, "Hmm.. if what I've been hearing is correct, then I was born in the ancient times."

Nico's smile dropped as Nathan's rose.

"Beat that. You can't."

- camp half blood, one day later -

After the kerfuffle with the gods, Nico and Nathan were back at camp with a prophecy on their hands.

"I can't believe I'm actually in a prophecy," Nico growled, "Especially with you."

"Speak for yourself," Nathan smirked, "I'm excited to see what the Ghost King has up his sleeve."

"Why, you little sh-"

Nico was strangling Nathan with his pale fingers when a dark-haired girl skipped over to them, a smile on her face.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" Marionette 'Maren' Laska Scheletro hated her smile, but even then, she beamed brighter then ever before, "My name is Maren! What's yours?"

Nathan regarded her warily, looking her up and down, before answering briskly, "Nathan King. This is Nico Laurence."

Nico didn't say anything, instead picking up where Nathan was going.

Maren smirked. This was going to be fun. They were already onto her.

"That's so cool!" She gushed, playing with her blonde highlights as she tried to bring out the gushy, girly side of her that didn't exist, "I'm new to this camp! I can't wait to become friends!"

"Friends," Nathan's eyebrows rose, "Yeah.. okay. Well, go on and talk to Chiron, m'kay?"

"Aw, thanks!"

And as Maren skipped away, she formed a black ball of magic in her hands, and fantasized about how fun it was going to be to kill the Ghost King and the Prince.

They were in the prophecy, after all.

And Maren was not ready to lose it.

- the big house, the attic -

After Chiron had sadly ordered the boys to see the newest prophecy in front of the whole camp, the morale sunk.

They were still cleaning up from the last war.

It seemed like there was no break for the demigods.

And Nico, who had to be the most exhausted, kept himself on his feet as much as he could.

The Ghost King and the Prince strode tiredly to the attic, Nathan still limping, and Nico wrapped in gauze.

The moment the two stepped silently in the small room, Nathan locked the door, and faced the very much alive woman in a cloak.

"H-hello?" Nathan stuttered, walking forward slowly, "We're here for the... prophecy."

The redhead turned around, and green mist immediately surrounded the room, emanating from her.

"As soon as the skeleton declares war with the death god,

a vicious act will come down upon the earth and everyone on it.There will come the day when rocks will rain from the sky, a child with power marking an aeon of betrayal.The skeleton's daughter.Once the moon turns bright, the two will faced the one who shall bring forth either the rush of victory, or unprecedented defeat.And it won't matter which way the daughter of true death goes. She will lose everything anyway."

"Who the hell is the skeleton?" Nathan broke the silence, turning to a pale Nico, "Isn't that you?"

Nico didn't say a word, and he lurched suddenly, clutching his stomach as though he would be sick.

"I have to go," The boy mumbled, and Nathan got to his feet, his curls bouncing, "I have to tell my father... unless he knew."

"Woah woah, hold your horses," Nathan wasn't smiling anymore, "What do you mean? You're going to have to let me in on the secret."

"My father," Nico cleared his throat, and began staggering towards Chiron, as if he was physically pained, "I don't know who the skeleton is, but the death god is Hades."

The ground rumbled.

"I have to go warn him, and figure out what I- what we, need to know," Nico finished, and halfway from the logs where they were sitting, he collapsed.

"Wh- oh, my god," Nathan ran to Nico's figure, staring at the black veins creeping up his leg, "Uh, hey, you might want to get this checked out, I can't-"

"Get... Chiron."

And that was the last of Nico di Angelo before he disappeared.


haha i update this book haha

ooh, how was the prophecy? bad? yes, i made it myself, and yes, it is really bad lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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