00; finding his solace

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Nathan stumbled up the hill, blood running down his nose freely, the crimson splattering on his also red converse.

He had a gaping hole in his side, and a sprained wrist, among many other bruises and bleeding, but he was alive.

He turned around, blood, sweat, and tears streaked on his face, mouth contorted worriedly, and picked his dagger again, slumping against a tree tiredly.

Nathan was at the brink of Camp HalfBlood, and he had to admit, looking from the outside, it didn't look like much.

Then again, he'd traveled across the country in a week, getting chased by monsters and old ladies as he stole cars, hid on trains, and sometimes had to bike for his life just to get to a safe place.

But Nathan had one last thing to do; kill the three monsters still plaguing him. One had one horn, the other broken off, another was a snake of some sorts, and the last resembled a dog.

A drooling, vicious, blood-hungry dog.

Nathan groaned, wiping some sweat off of his forehead, only to realize it was in fact blood, "Come on guys. You've known me for quite a long time, I'd even say we were friends!"

The snake spit on the ground. Nathan sighed, "Or not. Look, just go prey on someone else, okay? You already killed like 10 innocents, plus my mom. Just like- leave me alone. I don't want to kill you."

Truth be told, Nathan had a burning anger under his free personality. But he was just worried that he was too weak to unleash his power properly.

"Yeah, remember my mom?" Nathan asked, face set in a grim line, "She's probably being buried in some dirt hole by her other crap son. Leave. Before I end you."

The one-horned giant growled, charging forward. The other two followed him at once, and Nathan grazed his thumb over his dagger crest, making it automatically form into a bow.

He shot one, two arrows into the snake's eyes, making it screech in pain and writhe away.

Nathan tried to run away, into the cabin, but he was only a metre away before he was dragged back by the dog.

"NO!" Nathan screamed angrily, transforming his bow into a dagger, stabbing the dog, making monster blood stream onto the ground, "I GOT THIS FAR! YOU CAN'T TAKE IT FROM ME!"

The dog exploded into dust, and Nathan crawled over to the snake, the giant behind him.

Nathan stepped onto the snake's face, making it explode as the giant let out a growl of displeasure, and picked Nathan up, swinging him into a tree.


And one bone broke, Nathan screaming in pain as he slid down. He could feel his anger reaching the climax as he thought of the monsters following him across California, killing his mother, ruining his life, taking and taking from him.

Relentless. Never ending.


And there was Nathan's second leg, broken as the giant threw him into the ground, yelling brutally.

At that point, Nathan could see a group of people outside of the barrier watching.

"Can't we help him?" A black haired boy asked. A horseman shook his head regretfully, a blonde standing sadly beside him, "We can, right?"

"We cannot interfere this time Percy. You know, Annabeth. As do you, Nico."

"We have to let him figure it out," A small shell of a boy says, "It's the god's decision now."

"Please," Nathan whispered desperately, hand stretching out, "Please help me. Plea-," he was cut off as the giant picked him up from the scruff of his neck.

Nathan's brown eyes stared into the red ones of the giant, and as the giant plunged him downwards, to the ground, Nathan knew that he wouldn't survive this fall.

And the anger and power exploded from him in one vast blow, exploding the forest and the giant in the tornado of pain.

so, like, how is it so far?

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