Chapter 31

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Special chapter

It was now after lunch and it was now time for the last two and a half hours before dinner. Hermione, Ron, Pansy, Blaise, Luna, Ginny, Penny, Amber, Galaxy, Darcy, Karma and Rose were all standing in a group talking about random stuff in the centre of one of the courtyards. Meanwhile, Harry and Draco decided to walk around the school grounds, hand in hand, talking to each other. They both felt like time went by far too quickly for their liking as it was now almost time for dinner. Before heading back into the Hogwarts and to the Great Hall, Harry and Draco shared a quick kiss. While walking back, Harry some how managed to trip himself up. 'You good, Raven?' Draco asked, letting out a small giggle. 'I'm fine, just annoyed that my glasses are now covered in snow and that you laughed at me' Harry pouted, getting his glasses as snow-free as possible. 'I'm sorry I laughed Raven' Draco said, pulling Harry into a tight hug and kissing his forehead. They then continued their journey to dinner. Dinner was now over and everyone arrived to their common rooms. During dinner, there was an announcement made by Dumbledore. The announcement was that all the couples in the school now had soundproof rooms with locks on the door each. Harry and Draco were the first to head to bed as they wanted to check out their new room. When they both walked into their room, they both started to feel lustful but had no idea why. Draco turned to the closed door and locked it earning a confused but lustful look from Harry. Once the door was locked, Draco started to walk towards Harry, pushing him down on the bed. Draco then climbed on top of Harry, removing each individual piece of clothing the couple were wearing. It was now the next day and Harry and Draco were the last ones to wake up. 'Morning sleepyheads' Amber smiled when she saw Harry and Draco enter the common room. They both smiled in response, far to tired to speak a response. The couple then walked over to their usual seats and sat down. 'So how are you today, lovebirds?' Ron chuckled, earning a deadly glare from Hermione. 'Oh shut up Ron! You can hardly talk when you and Blaise are lovebirds as well' Hermione snapped, still glaring at Ron. She could tell that Harry and Draco were still tired and not completely awake enough to deal with it. This conversation continued until it was finally time for breakfast. When everyone got to the Great Hall, Harry noticed the everyone looked extremely tired. Thankfully they didn't have lessons with it being Sunday and all. However, what surprised Harry the most was that no one was talking. Probably due to the amount of sleep everyone got the previous night. This left Harry extremely confused. 'Surely everyone got good sleep last night, right?' Harry thought to himself. He decided to put his thoughts away and focus on breakfast.

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