Chapter 11

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After a few hours, it was finally time for dinner. An hour, before, Ron and Blaise finally came out of the boys dormitory and joined the others. For dinner, everyone had spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread. Everyone had their own plate, except Ron, Blaise, Harry and Draco. Ron and Blaise decided to share a plate and everyone was forcing Harry and Draco to share a plate as they thought that Harry and Draco were dating because they saw them kissing and they slept with each other the night before. Everyone started eating and tried not to stare at Harry and Draco who were being awkward towards each other. Harry and Draco both tried to ignore the stares they were receiving. They both ended up taking their last spoonfuls of spaghetti. They both started to eat their spoonfuls. Without realising it, Harry and Draco started eating the same bit of spaghetti. Before they new it their lips were touching. Draco noticed this first and decided to start kissing Harry. Harry started to blush slightly before deciding to start kissing Draco back. Everyone was still shocked when they saw Harry and Draco kissing. They all wanted to stare but decided it was best to fight the urge to. Harry and Draco pulled away from each other when they heard 'Get a room you two.' It was Fred and George. 'Shut up, Weasleys' Draco responded, which managed to shut them up. It was the next morning and Harry was the first one up out of the boys. So he decided to quietly get changed and head into the common room. Once he got to the common room, he saw Hermione and Pansy kissing on the couch. As Harry started walking backwards up the stairs, he walked into someone. That someone turned out to be Draco. 'Not so fast, Raven' Draco said, a smirk spreading across his face. Draco then grabbed Harry by the shoulders and started pushing him against, before taking his glasses and putting them on his head. Draco then started kissing Harry. This gave Harry no choice but to start kissing Draco back. A few hours had passed and it was finally time for Gryffindor's hour outside. When they went outside, Harry went straight to sit on the grass. When Draco got outside, he saw Harry sitting on his own, so he went to sit next to Harry. Harry yawned and started to lean his head on Draco's shoulder. Draco didn't mind it one bit, although he blushed slightly which appeared a lot due to his pale completion. 'You comfy like that, Raven' Draco said, hoping Harry was okay with the way he was sat. 'Yeah' Harry mumbled, taking in the view of the ground of Hogwarts.

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