Chapter 14

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It was the next morning and everyone was heading to the Great Hall for breakfast. When they all say down, Harry noticed that the sorting hat was on a stool in front of the teachers table. 'Now that everyone is here, I would like to announce that we have a new student joining us. Her name is Karma Lestrange Riddle. It's time for her into her house before we can discuss the trio to Hogsmead' declared Dumbledore to the Great Hall. Karma ended up becoming a Slytherin. After breakfast, everyone went to their common rooms to get changed before meeting out the front of the school. Karma was wearing a black cropped shoulder less top; black leather leggings; black bat-wing heels; black laced gloves; and a black leather jacket with her hair up in a half-bun. Pansy was wearing a think white jumper, under a black denim dungaree dress, with thin black tights and black boots with a padlock necklace. Hermione was wearing a brown, white and grey jumper; jeans with a denim belt in a bow; tan-pink heeled high tops;and a golden angle wing locket. Harry was wearing a white shirt; a white Gucci jumper; baggy jeans; and white Nikes. Draco was wearing a dark blueish-grey turtle neck; a brown blazer; black jeans; and brown ankle boots. Ron was wearing a plain white t-shirt; a grey tartan jacket; ripped jeans; and white trainers. Blaise was wearing a black hot topic t-shirt; tartan Vans; a red and black baseball cap; and grey trousers. Once everyone was ready, they all set of to Hogsmead. When they got to Hogsmead, everyone went of in their friend groups. Harry, Draco, Blaise, Ron, Hermione and Pansy all decided to get themselves a butter beer each. Once they got their drinks, they all went to sit down at an empty table. 'So where are we going to go after we have finished our drinks?' Hermione asked. 'Why don't we go to Go to Honeyduke's sweetshop' Ron answered, 'They have everything.' They continued talking, until someone interupted their conversation. 'Draco, I bet your father is disappointed that you have become friend with Potter and his friends, especially since your father works for my father. Pitty, you and potter seem so close, especially since my father will eventually kill him. I better get going now, I don't want to be caught dead hanging around with a group like you, hope to see you never' said Karma before disappearing out of the room. Draco then turned to Harry, who had tears building in his eyes, and said 'It's okay Raven, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.' This reassurance stopped Harry from crying and Draco wiped Harry's teary eyes. Once everyone had finished their drinks, they all headed to Honeyduke's sweetshop. Once the got there, they started to look around. There were shelves of acid pops, bat's blood soup, Bertie Bott's every flavoured beans, blood-flavoured lollipops, cauldron cakes, charm choc, chocoballs, chocolate cauldrons, chocolate fringe and so much more. Once Harry and Draco hadn't gotten what they both wanted, they told their friends that they were going to go to a near by field. When they got there, Draco said 'Raven, ever since I first met you, I fell in love with you. So, I wanted to know if you'll be my boyfriend?' 'I love you too,' Harry responded quickly without hesitation, 'so yes, I will be your boyfriend, Dragon.' Harry then jumped into Draco's arms and started kissing him, with Draco kissing back. However, little did they know they were being watched by Karma.

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