Chapter 24

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When everyone got back to their common rooms, I finally had the chance to hug my older brother. This is because I didn't have the chance when we were on the Quidditch pitch as Draco had tackled my brother to the ground with a hug. A few seconds later, Harry walked into the room. I ran up to him giving him a big hug. 'Congrats on winning the Quidditch match, Harry' I said, breaking away from the hug. 'Thanks little sis' Harry responded with a smile plastered on his face. After an hour or two, the common room started to empty until it was just Harry, Draco, Pansy, Hermione, Blaise, Ron, Luna, Galaxy, Ginny, Darcy, Penny, Rose and I. 'Harry and I want to tell you guys something important. We decided on telling you now if Gryffindor won, which they did' Draco started. 'So... Uhm...' Harry continued. 'Harry and I are officially dating and have been since the trip to Hogsmead' Draco finished kissing Harry on the forehead. 'Congrats lovebirds, however it was kinda obvious by the way you were acting towards each other' we all said in unison. 'Oh well, at least you know it's official' Draco then said, hugging Harry tighter and giving him another kiss, but this time it was on the lips. A few more hours had passed and Harry, Hermione and Ron had all fallen asleep. Harry fell asleep on Draco, Hermione fell asleep on Pansy and Ron fell asleep on Blaise. 'I think we should get these sleepyheads to bed' Blaise said, carefully picking up Ron, trying not to wake him up. Pansy and Draco nodded and did the same thing with Harry and Hermione. 'Night' the three of them said before disappearing out of the room. Now it was just Luna, Ginny, Darcy, Galaxy, Rose, Penny and I left, so we just continued talking before heading to bed ourselves. The next morning, everyone had gone to breakfast early, except Harry, Draco, Ron, Blaise, Hermione and Pansy. They were busy talking on the sofa in front of the cozy common room fire. 'Morning' I said wearily as I walked over to them. 'Good morning sis' Harry replied. I could tell he was also still tired. 'Why haven't you guys gone down to breakfast yet?' I questioned. 'Raven insisted that we waited for you' Draco replied. 'Cute! Draco has a nickname for my brother' I thought as we all started heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

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