Chapter 8

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It had been a few days since the death of the Ravenclaw girl, and more deaths had been appearing around Hogwarts. Harry was still thinking about the mysterious letter he was sent. He also noticed a pattern with the people who were dying. They had all been flirting and hitting on him the day before. Harry then thought back to the letter. 'What does that person mean "you will be mine".' he thought to himself. He kept running through what the letter said in his head, trying to figure out who sent it and whether it linked to the deaths of students. A few hours had passed since Harry had started thinking about what the letter could possibly mean. Suddenly he was snapped out of his thoughts by a familiar voice. 'Oi! Potter!' It was Draco. 'What do you want Malfoy?' Harry asked. 'I heard you got a letter and was struggling to figure out who it was from' Draco then said. 'Yeah, so? What is it to you?' Harry asked with a confused expression on his face. 'Give it here. I'll help you so you can stop thinking about it' Draco said, making Harry have a shocked look on his face, which Draco could see. 'What?' Draco asked breaking the silence between them. 'Why are you being so nice?' Draco responded with 'We are in the same house now. We might as well get along.' Without any further questions, Harry handed Draco the letter and they started to discuss it. Even though Draco knew it was him who sent Harry the letter. After hours of discussing, Harry and Draco managed to find out it was a boy who sent the letter to Harry. 'How about we take a break from thinking and talk about our love lifes' Draco said. 'Why talk about our love lifes?' Harry replied all flustered from what Draco said. 'That was the first thing that came to my head' Draco responded. 'Ok, but you describe your crush first' Harry said with a nervous smile. 'Ok,' Draco said slightly going red in the face, 'it's a boy, he's short, he has green eyes, black hair, he wears glasses and is in Gryffindor. Now it's you turn to describe your crush.' Harry stayed silent for a few seconds. Then he said 'He is tall, he has blonde hair, blue eyes, he was a Slytherin and is now a Gryffindor.' Then he said 'I'm getting tired. I'm going to head to bed.' He then went of to bed with his face all read in embarrassment because it was obvious who his crush was by the description he gave. When Harry woke up it was around 8am and most of the Gryffindors went outside to have their morning hour of fresh air. However, when Harry started heading to the common room, it was only Draco, Ron, Hermione, Pansy and Blaise left in the common room playing truth or dare. They stopped when they saw Harry walking down the stairs towards them. 'Morning Potter' Draco said. This made every one surprised when he said that. 'Morning Malfoy' Harry said as he went to sit with the group. 'We're playing truth or dare. Wanna join?' Ron asked Harry. 'Sure' Harry replied. 'Okay. Draco truth or dare' Blaise asked. 'Gotta go with dare' Draco responded confidently. 'I dare you to kiss the person, in this room, that you think is the cutest for two minutes' Blaise said with a cheeky grin on his face. 'Ok' Draco said nervously. He sat up and walked over to Harry and knelt down in front of him. Draco then lifted Harry's chin while staring into his eyes. Draco then leaned forwards and started to kiss Harry, who ended up kissing back. This made Draco turn a violent shade of red.

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