Chapter 1

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It was a new term at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the sorting ceremony was about to take place in the Great hall for the first years. After a few minutes of waiting the sorting finally began. Everyone was perfectly chill with it. Professor McGonagall called 'Ginny Weasley'. Ginny went up and sat on the stool then a second later McGonagall placed the sorting hat onto Ginny's head. 'Another Weasley aye. Off to Gryffindor with you then' aid the sorting hat in his usual gruffy voice. No one was surprised with the house where the young Weasley ended up. Professor McGonagall had called up a few more names which ended up being a mix of the school houses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. McGonagall only had five more names to call at that point. She started by calling 'Galaxy Granger' who ended up becoming a Gryffindor. The next called was 'Darcy Malfoy' who ended up being a Slytherin. Next was 'Penny Parkinson' who also ended up being a Slytherin. McGonagall then called out 'Amber Potter.' Everyone had a shocked look in their faces and began to whisper among themselves saying 'Harry Potter has a younger sister.' The whispering stopped when the headmaster, Albums Dumbledore, shouted 'SILENCE!' and the whole hall went silent except the sorting hat which was perched on top of Amber's head. 'Interesting another Potter has entered Hogwarts,' said the sorting hat as softly as he could while all the houses still had shocked expressions on their faces, 'you are a worthy person to be a Slytherin. However, family has to stick together and we can't be having the Potter siblings split apart so it's gotta be ...GRYFFINDOR !' Every single GRYFFINDOR screamed loudly with excitement as Amber went to sit next to her brother, Harry, the happiest out of all the Gryffindors. It was finally time for the last first year, who was awkwardly standing on their own, to be sorted. Even though it was the last first year, McGonagall still called out their for everyone to hear, 'Rose Zabini' and they ended up in Slytherin. Once the sorting ceremony was complete, everyone sang the schools song and listened to Dumbledore speech. After, it was time to eat with the atmosphere filled with happiness. When everyone had finished eating, they all received their timetables for the school year. They then all set off to their common rooms and of to sleep before their first lessons of the new term.

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