Chapter 16

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It had been and hour of two since Harry, Ron and Hermione were put under the sleeping spell and Harry had started to wake up. Once he was completely awake, he tried to move while looking around to try and figure out where he was. He then noticed that Ron and Hermione weren't with him, making him worry if they're were okay and wonder where they could possibly be. He hoped they were safe at Hogwarts and prayed that they were looking for him with Draco, Pansy and Blaise. He then started thinking how worried Draco would be. After all, Draco and Harry were now dating. A few minutes had passed and Harry heard a cold, dull voice coming his way. 'I see your awake. Ashame your mudblood and Weasley friends haven't woken up yet, Harry Potter' said the mysterious voice. The voice belonged to Voldemort, the father of karma and the killer of Harry's parents. 'It also ashame that you precious boyfriend isn't here o protect you' Voldemort continued with a sarcastic tone. 'LEAVE DRACO OUT OF THIS!' Harry shouted. 'I don't see why I should, he betrayed me and his family, besides, I now know that he is dying to do anything to protect you' Voldemort laughed before walking out of the room. After another hour, Voldemort came back into the room, this time he was holding a sharp knife. 'Before I kill you like I did with your pathetic parents, Potter, I am going to make you suffer until your precious boyfriend shows up, so then he can witness your death' Voldemort said with a smirk on his nose-less face. He then took the knife and made a small slit on Harry's cheek and on his right arm. Harry screamed in pain as blood came pouring out of the wounds, with beads of tears growing in his eyes. Once Voldemort was satisfied, he left the room once again. Another hour or two passed and Harry, who was still in pain, had fallen asleep. When Harry was completely fast asleep, Voldemort walked into the room, unchained Harry, picked him up and took Harry to his torture room. When Voldemort got there, he chained Harry to the wall and waited for him to wake up, which only took a few seconds. When Harry had woken up, Voldemort took out his knife and created a small slit in Harry's side, making Harry scream out in more pain with more beads of tears growing in his eyes. His tears were trying not to fall down his face because if they did then they would make Harry's wounds sting. Voldemort then once again left the room, leaving Harry in extreme pain.

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