Chapter 19

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Draco had been following Voldemort for a few minutes, when suddenly they got to a room with no other rooms nearby. When Draco entered the room, he saw Voldemort holding a knife to Harry's throat. 'How nice of you to join us, Draco' Voldemort said with a smirk on his face as Draco removed the cloak knowing he wouldn't be needing it right now. He then put the cloak back into his robe pocket. 'LEAVE HIM ALONE!' shouted Draco. 'Why should I? I've waited for ages for this opportunity. I'm not gonna loose it because a pathetic boy tells me to. I knew you would do anything for your pathetic boyfriend, so I decided to spare him until you showed up. Time for you to witness his death' cackled Voldemort as he slowly pushed the blade against Harry's neck. Harry started to scream out in pain once again. Meanwhile, Pansy and Blaise followed Karma into a room where Hermione and Ron were lying on the floor. 'Stop right there Karma this isn't you! You weren't like this when you applied for a spot at Hogwarts!' said a voice from behind Pansy and Blaise. The voice seemed familiar to them, but they couldn't work out who it was. When they turned around they saw Dumbledore. 'Get Ron and Hermione out of here, I'll take care of Karma then I'll go help Draco' Dumbledore said to Blaise and Pansy who ran over to Ron and Hermione. They helped them up and took them outside the building. When Pansy, Blaise, Ron and Hermione were out of the room, Dumbledore pulled out his wand and casted a spell that dehypnotized Karma. 'What happened? Dumbledore? What are you doing here? Wait! We need to go stop my dad from killing Harry!' Law said messily, before heading out of the room and running to the room Harry was being tortured in with Dumbledore behind her. Back with Draco, Harry and Voldemort, Voldemort was slowly pushing the knife closer to Harry's neck, slowly slitting it. 'STOP IT! HE HAS DONE NOTHING TO YOU! WHY DO YOU INSIST ON KILLING PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING TO YOU!' Draco continued shouting, wanting to take a step closer. However, Draco new of he took a step closer, the quicker Voldemort would slit Harry's neck. 'I have reasons why I am doing all of this. Reasons you will never know or even understand for that matter. But it doesn't matter now as it all ends today, starting with the beloved Harry Potter, your pathetic boyfriend!' responded Voldemort as Karma and Voldemort entered the room. Harry was still screaming in pain from the blade held against his neck. 'DAD STOP!' ordered Karma. 'WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER DUMBLEDORE?' demanded Voldemort. Dumbledore sore did not respond. After seconds of silence, Dumbledore took out his wand and yelled 'EXPELLIARMUS!' This made the knife that Voldemort was holding up to Harry's neck fly across the room. It ended up hitting the wall and falling to the ground. Voldemort let Harry go and dashed for the knife. Harry then fainted again and fell to the floor. 'Get Harry out of here and to the school's hospital wing as quick as possible. I'll hold of Voldemort. Also Blaise and Pansy are outside with Ron and Hermione. Now go!' Dumbledore said as Draco picked Harry up. Draco and Karma then left the room with Harry and got outside. 'Is Harry okay?' Hermione asked as she ran towards them. 'Barely, but we need to get back to school asap. Once Harry is in the hospital wing I'll tell you guys everything' Draco responded, not stopping even for a millisecond. 'Before Draco explains everything, I just want to say that I'm sorry for what I did to you guys. I didn't have a choice, mg dad hypnotized me' Karma said, worried that they would forgive her. 'We forgive you' they all replied, continuing the journey back to school.

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