41 - Mirryamoo's Story

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Marra’s POV:-

So I tell the witch an elongated version of what I am going to tell you now.

Why elongated? Because she was going to kill us as soon as I finished with my story. And, as you very well know, stalling is an art I have long mastered.

Basically, the last time I was in touch with you, we’d drowned in the dirty lake, right? Cool. So then magically, we could breathe underwater and stuff.  And we met this lobster Queen Elizabeth 1.5 (who had a masculine voice) and this seahorse-jellyfish hybrid named Prince Charles (whom I mistook for a girl) and a batfish with the voice of Bryan Cranston.

And underwater, Nifty found her tongue.

That is to say, she could talk somehow. I don’t know, power of the aqua-gods or something.

Anyway, this worked wonders in our favor. Because boy, Nifty can talk when she talk!

None of the hatchetfishes would listen to us, but when she talked, she was like a professional debate-winner. She convinced them we were with Bee. She gave this whole Shakespearean monologue on friendship and stuff and the Lobster Queen was compelled to let us go.  

Turns out, they’d all already met Bee and even gave her this schooner to get to Lakoswanion. They wished us well on our quest, and this dot-fish blessed Niffy such that she would be able to talk not just inside water, but also out.

They also told us that I’d we needed help, they had a mole called Bob in Ravenna’s service who would help us. He’s got to follow orders when he’s given orders, or she’ll hunt him down and slay him, but when time comes, he’d help us.

As he did now.

I don’t know what Bee’s been telling you about her, but Niffy is actually pretty decent. I don’t know, man. Girls, am I right? Obviously she can’t replace Bee, nobody can, but she’s cool. She can be part of the gang.

Convincing the fishes that we were Bee’s friends was only one of the many ways she helped us get here. For example, me and Aar had completely give up on the hope that Es would still have any of her spirit powers left.

But Niffy, again with the awesome new ability to speak, monologued on how Es should scourge the deepest parts of her heart to find the magic in her. And it worked! Suddenly there were a gazillion butterflies around us, including our old cell-guard and friend Goof!

Goof was in really bad shape because of what a certain alligator-chainsaw monster had done to her. But again, Niffy proved useful! She found some earthly plants on the way and we took a gamble and made a paste out them. Applied them on Goof’s wings. She instantly felt better, ready to let Es ride her and lead the charge on Ravenna’s fort.

While the butterflies created a diversion, two of them dropped Aar and Niffy and I on the platform where Bee and Rasthrum were to be executed. Fortunately, we reached here in the nick of time.

Not that any of it matter now, of course. Now that I’m done telling a prolonged version of this to Ravenna, she has her scythe out to chop off our heads.

Bee’s expression tells me she’s looking at Niffy in a new light. There’s still some venom there, but that will vanish with time, I guess.

Rasthrum is losing blood copiously, I worry for him.

But ahhh! It’s not just him –

Ravenna’s moving towards Bee, holy sh –

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