Chapter 5: Injustice

Start from the beginning

(Yellow Diamond) FIne.

Chairs appeared behind them.

(Yellow Diamond) Let’s just get on with it, shall we?

They sat down.

(Green Zircon) My Diamond, Rose Quartz committed a crime so unprecedented that one can’t help but wonder, why? Exhibit A:

She snapped her fingers and Lars appeared in the room.

(Steven) Lars!

(Lars) Steven! What’s going on here?!

A green bubble formed around his head.

(Lars) (Muffled speech)

(Green Zircon) As we can see from this specimen, humans are loud, absolutely hideous creatures that serve no purpose whatsoever. What sort of gem turns on her own kind for this? I’ll tell you what kind, that kind.

She points at Steven.

(Steven) Just let him go! He’s got nothing to do with this!

(Green Zircon) There it is: the passion, the fury, that caused the diabolical Rose Quartz to shatter her own Diamond! But I know what you’re thinking, “this thing doesn’t look like a Rose Quartz.” And for that, I would like to call an eye witness!

A third podium appeared and it was a ruby Steven remembers.

(Steven) Eyeball?

(Eyeball) Do not address me, war criminal!

(Steven) Nice to see you, too.

(Eyeball) I heard it straight from her. She said, “I’m the mighty Rose Quartz. I’ve got her shield and everything!” And then, she threw me into space!

This unleashed an unfamiliar emotion Steven hasn’t felt before, pure anger. This wasn’t an annoyed anger, this was infuriating anger, and now he’s about to not mince words on what he feels right now.

(Steven) Oh, quit lying, you small, puny runt!

Everyone was taken aback by his response to her openingly mocking him.

(Steven) You were too stubborn to believe me when I tried telling you the first time. Then, you tried to kill me after I healed your gem, so I had to defend myself! And by the way, I could’ve just let you fly around in space with a cracked gem to die! And even if you lived, your crew would laugh at your injury and when you’re brought to Yellow Diamond, she would’ve shattered you for being incompent, isn’t that right, Yellow?

Steven then realized he just spoke all of that. And what he heard next clearly shocked him even more.

(Yellow Diamond) She has a point.

(Blue Diamond) Yellow, you cannot be serious!

(Yellow Diamond) I’m not defending her. I’m just stating that her accusation is correct.

Wow, even Yellow Diamond gives her opponents credit when it’s due. Too bad her temper and blunt attitude covers her accountability. The green zircon didn’t expect the outburst, but improvised on it.

(Green Zircon) As you can see, she admits she has a healing power for gems, and no other gem has that other than Rose Quartz. I rest my case.

(Blue Zircon) Oh, she’s good.

She admits defeat, and she hasn’t even started yet.

(Yellow Diamond) Well, I’m convinced. Time to execute.

She displayed some joy in her tone.

(Blue Diamond) Not yet. The defense still has to speak.

(Blue Zircon) Right! Well, uh… Before I start my very, uh, though-out defense, I’d like to remind the court that Rose Quartz did turn herself in.

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