Chapter 35

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I'm really nervous since we're just in the car

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I'm really nervous since we're just in the car. I may look good and confident but I'm seriously nervous.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm here, they will be really happy to meet you". Jay held my hand when he saw me unsettled.

"Do you think so?". I flashed a worried face to him.

"I'm sure they will". He smiled.

We get off, we are now standing in front of their house. I can already hear the chattering voice coming from their house.

I wrapped my arms to his arms feeling more secure beside him. I just noticed how good Jay's outfit is. He looked so fine.

"You looked so fine too". I tiptoed to whisper it right in his ear.

"Stop making me blush in front of many people". I took a peek and saw he's really blushing, I laughed at him.

We entered their gate, there were 4-5 men when we entered. We walked until we reached their front door. We were welcomed by many people talking to each other.

Their house is really big, it looks like a mansion. Well I expected that he's rich but not this rich-rich, did you get me?

We walked through the crowd, I could feel some of the glances. Jay held my hand on his arms tightly.

"Wait me here, I will find Mom". He said.


"Jay! Luna?". We looked behind us and saw Nicole.

"Omg! It's really nice to see you again Luna!". Nicole ran towards me.

"Nice to see you too". I shyly respond.

"Are you two-". She looked at the position of our hands and then squealed.

"Omg, omg! Is this real? But why?". She jokingly said, earning a light smacked on her shoulder.

"Yah! Thank you for your support huh?!". He rolled his eyes.

"By the way, did you see where's Mom?". Jay asked her.

"I just got here". She replied.

"Can you assist Luna? I will just go and find Mom". Nicole nodded and snatched my hands from Jay.

"I will take care of her, don't worry. Go! go!". She pushed Jay while she dragged me to the food area.

"Since when did the two of got together?". She asked then give me a plate.

"Since Saturday, we're just a new couple". I said and got little food.

"I can really feel happiness to the two of you". She finished getting food and walked to a less crowded place.

"I can also tell that I'm happy being with him". I sincerely smile.

"I'm happy for the both of you". She hugged me while munching her food.

"Luna". I looked and saw Jay with a lady. I quickly stand up and go to Jay's side.

"Mom, this is Luna, My girlfriend and Luna this is my beautiful Mom". I bow and smile to her even though my heart is pounding really fast.

"Nice meeting you lady". She held out her hands, I quickly accepted it.

"I almost forgot, I baked some birthday cake. Happy birthday Ma'am". I said and get the cake box.

"She really does it by herself and it really tastes so good!". Jay opens the box revealing the cake, I suddenly feel embarrassed.

"You don't have to do it but thank you darling!". She pulled me into hugs, I looked at the side and smiled at Jay.

"Happy birthday, Auntie!". Nicole said.

"You two are already close? I can see that you're a really good person considering Nicole who doesn't talk to anyone". I looked shocked, she didn't look like that. I thought she's a talkative and extroverted person.

"You can also call me Auntie or Mom whichever you prefer". She continued, I looked like a tomato now.

"Happy birthday again, Auntie". I said and smile.

"Mom, taste this". Jay gets a piece of cake and gives it to his Mom.

"Wow! It's really good! I love it, Luna. Once Jay got home with a cookie and he said it's from you, he got mad at me because I finished all of it. Thank you for this Darling". She giggled and gave me another hug.

"Really? I will give you many of it!". I laughed, she's really sweet.

Jay tasted it and gave me a proud smile and thumbs up. Nicole gave it a try.

"Yah! It's really good, Luna. How did you make it? You should teach me". Nicole exclaimed, enjoying the cake.

"Do you want to come on Saturday? I'm free on that day". I respond to Nicole.

"I have a meeting with a client. I will inform you when I get free time". She pouted.

"Come here Darling and eat". Jay's Mom dragged me to the food area.

She gave me all the food she saw. I wanted to stop her but I was still too shy to talk. I looked at Jay calling some help but he just laughed at me.

I finally breathe properly. It feels like there's a bone removed from my throat. Jay's Mom is really nice, she stays with us and talks about random things that make me comfortable around her.

Jake, Heeseung, and Sunghoon also arrived. Jay's Mom bid goodbye to us since she needed to entertain some of the guests.

We stayed at the table talking together with Nicole. We stayed for the night until it reached 11:00 PM. Jay drove me home and bid goodnight and goodbye to each other.

 Jay drove me home and bid goodnight and goodbye to each other

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