Chapter 5

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It's Sunday and we just enjoy the last weekend happily

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It's Sunday and we just enjoy the last weekend happily. We just watched movies with my parents and Daniel while eating pizza, playing some board games and everything that we can do inside the house. That's how we spend our quality time. Or if they didn't go out of town we spend our Sunday at the mall, restaurants, picnic or everything we can do.

It's another lazy Monday. I really don't like Mondays. It makes me so lazy, all I want to do is to lay down on my bed and besides Monday has my longest schedule for today's class.

This time my Mom forced us to go with them since they're on their way to the company. They drop us in front of the Campus. Daniel and I separated ways since Juniors are not allowed to enter any of the building of Colleges except if you have an authority from the teachers or if you have a valid reason.

I walked towards our building and stopped at my locker. I didn't see anything that the stranger put inside of it. I dropped my books that I don't need for this morning class and went straight to the classroom.

You can really see that Monday is not our favorite day, they're all leaning on their tables and sleeping. I walked to my seat and scrolled through my phone. Then I remembered that I need to give the flashdrive to Jongseong with my ideas for our project.

I started looking around to see Jay but I didn't saw any of his shadow. I just shrugged and read some lessons before the class started.

As soon as the class started all of us pay attention to the discussion.

"We will have a surprise recitation today". Our strict subject teacher said.

All of us literally got surprised from what she said and groaned. What a lucky day, her subject is statistics and probability. This is one of the subjects that I don't like, I get it but sometimes I want to give up because it's really complicated. Why didn't he/she solve his/ her problem? Why do they need to solve it by us? It's their problem, not us. Math sucks!

She started calling our names, and some of them didn't answer the question correctly. My palms are getting sweat

"I'm nervous". I heard Yannie talking from behind me, I looked at her and nodded.

"Me too". I sit properly and focus my attention in front.

"What is the mean and the standard deviation of the standard normal distribution? And what is the level of confidence if the level of significance is 0.05? Ms. Kim Luna". I stand up as soon as I heard my name.

"Uh... the mean of its standard normal distribution is 0 while the standard deviation is 1. The confidence level of 0.05 or 5% is 95% or 0.95". I sit down and exhale heavily.

"Very good!".

The recitation ended and all of us got breath properly. I drink water and exhale.

"I think I will faint because of nervous. Why is she like that? She is one of the terror proof that I've ever met!". Yannie said on our way through the cafeteria.

"Same, I want to go to the restroom and wait until the class ends". I agreed with her.

"Wow, are you really nervous there? You are the only one that receive a reply from her! She just skip us when we answer her and find another student to answer the next question". K said and laughed together with Yannie.

I chuckled and slightly punched his shoulder. They didn't stop laughing until we reached the cafeteria.

"You can almost answer all of her questions Luna!". Yannie and K high five.

"I heard you keep mumbling the answers". He added.

"It's just a coincidence that I studied that lesson earlier when I got here". I defended myself.

We got in line and ordered food. After we ate we went back to our classroom. When we got there they said that we don't have afternoon class since the teachers have a meeting. Some of them go out or go home but a lot of them are working on their project.

I remembered the flashdrive, I get it in my bag and find Jay. I saw him with his other friends, Heeseung, Jake and Sunghoon. I'm close to Jake since he's my cousin.

I inhaled and walked towards them. When I got there Jay raised his eyebrows while looking at me. I also raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"Oh Luna, do you need anything?". Jake said and put his arm around my shoulder, I tapped it to loosen.

"Yeah, his hand". I pointed to Jay. Heeseung, Sunghoon, Jake and Jay looked at me weirdly and confused. I fake cough.

"Why do you need it?". Jake still looks confused.

"Because!". He swiftly pulled Jay's hand and faced his palm.

I put the flash drive on Jay's hand and walked away without saying anything. I go back to K and Yannie with a grinned smile attached on my face to avoid laughing

I can hear the loud laughter of Jake and Heeseung. I also wanted to laughed when I remembered Jay's face when I said that I need his hand.

"Why are you grinning, huh?". Yannie looked at me suspiciously.

"Nothing, I just saw something funny". I said and went back to my seat.

The class ended when I received a text from Mom.



Daniel is waiting for you and Jake at the parking lot, we are having a family dinner with your grandparents. Just take a ride with Jake, your auntie already told him about that.

Okay Mum🤍


"I need to take a ride with Jake, we have a family dinner. You can go now". I said to K and Yannie who's now with Jaeho.

"Seriously, Luna? You're going to leave me with this PDA couple?". K looked at me in disbelief, Yannie punched his arm.

"I'm sorry, K". I fakely apologized then laughed and dramatically waved my hands to him while Jaeho and Yannie pulled K to start walking.

I walked to the parking lot and saw Daniel waiting there.

"Where's Jake-hyung?". I shrugged.

"You two are in the same building and you don't know?". I just nodded without answering him properly, I just want to annoy him

"Are you muted?!". I nodded again. When I saw him look so pissed, I laughed.

"Mission success!". I exclaimed and then smacked his back head.

"How dare you shout at your Noona, huh?!". I looked at him seriously. I saw his face, a little fear raised that's then I started laughing.

"I'm sorry, I just want to pissed you off". He looked at me deadly. Just then Jake arrived.

 Just then Jake arrived

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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 /𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐣𝐚𝐲Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora