Their two witnesses, Mr Garba who was with a grim look and Bisi who was smilling at them congratulated the couple as they took their leave to the house.

The house of no return.


'That was too low of a wedding for a politician's son', Rachel mused to her.

Then she thought, 'I guess it's for the best since I am a wanted person. The next thing to do now is convince my father-in-law to grant my husband and I the permission to go live abroad. That way, everything will slide down and by the time I am back, they must have forgotten who I am and what I did.'

Then it stucked her, she got married without informing her mother. "I will go and inform her tomorrow", she said to herself as her husband came in from the bathroom.

He smiled at her and she smiled back. Then he moved closer to her on the bed and pecked her lips.

"I love you for choosing me", he said.

"I have loved you ever since I knew you", she replied him honestly.

"But I can't help but remember how you cheated on me with T-boy", Olamide said with a frown.

"It was not my fault. You also cheated on me with Fola. Besides, I made it known to T-boy that you are the only man I desire and want to be with but he wouldn't listen."

"But I didn't do anything with Fola", he defended.

"You dated her", she cornered him.

"Yes and that was because my dad forced me too."

"I understand", Rachel said looking away.

"You need to be punished baby girl", he said flirtingly.

Rachel laughed and said, "No, not in my condition."

"Come on, it's our wedding night", he said moving closer to her. "Let's consummate our marriage."

"Alright, but you need to be gentle on me, for the baby", she whispered into his ears.

That action tickled Olamide and he strike Rachel softly on the buttocks and laughed. "You are a bad girl. Alright, I agree", and he kissed her roughly.

He brought out a whip from under his bed and few minutes later, they were lost in a world of consummation.

Rachel moaned in pain which Olamide mistook for pleasure as he hit her with the whip continuously.

Then, she cried out loud but he wasn't listening. He was in a world of his own.

He whipped her buttocks with all his strength till Rachel collapsed under him.

"That was great babe", he whispered as he laid beside her but he was met with silence.

She touched her and then he realised she had passed out.

Rachel was discharged from the hospital a week later. The doctor advised her to stay away from sex for the time being because she almost lost the baby again.

By the time it was exactly 2 weeks of her stay at home all day, she was stronger and she decided to take a stroll to her mother's house when Mr. Garba came in.

"Rachel, you look amazing in that dress", he told her.

"Thank you sir, I was just about to go out when you came in", she told him.

"I can see but I came home because of you", he told her and her heart thumped wildly. "I want you to accompany me to somewhere."

"Alright. Is it now? I want to check up on my mother. I haven't since her ever since........"

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