9. She should've stayed in bed.

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She should've stayed in bed.

The minute she hopped out of bed she knew, she just knew...

It would've been a bad day.


Because Jean left his shoes right next to the bed and she tripped over them and fell onto her knees.

Lovely, not only is she marrying someone she doesn't love, but also someone messy.

The sound startled Jean out of his sleep, he now slept on the couch after their agreement. She felt much more comfortable with this sleeping arrangement, however, due to this he just leaves his things laying around instead of on one side of the room.

Maybe breakfast will brighten up her day.

She yanked the door open to see Kiyomi grinning wildly on the other side of it.


"Lady Mikasa, great, I see you're awake."

Mikasa groaned internally, wishing she wasn't.

"Great! I'm here to remind you that today is the day we visit Queen Historia's cottage and participate in the marital games. Please prepare yourself to leave soon," Kiyomi swiveled around, not waiting for Mikasa's response.


Could this day get any worse?

Apparently, it could because as she spun around she realized that Jean had rushed into the baths before her.

Great, he's going to take forever.

After waiting about an hour and a half for Jean to finish whatever it is that he does in there (Mikasa was pretty sure she heard him singing at one point), she finally went into the baths and was basically finished after twenty minutes.

She dusted a light amount of Kohl on her eyelids and applied a glossy pale pink rouge to her lips.

Picking up her scarf, she exited the baths to see Jean still waiting on her.

"Hm, someone took their time," Jean said jokingly. She wanted to punch that smug little smirk off his face.

Mikasa and Jean both left the room, arm in arm ready to deceive the world of their 'love'.

They traveled to the courtyard, where they saw everyone awaiting their arrival, she saw all her friends' faces. Eren, Historia, Armin, Annie, Albert, Hanji, Levi, Connie, Sasha, Niccolo and even a new face.

"Hitch?" Mikasa questioned confused. The other woman waved nonchalantly, Mikasa wondered why she was here since she wasn't a part of the bridal party.

"I hope it isn't a problem," Kiyomi announced. "Connie was the only one missing a partner and I decided to invite this lovely young lady who approached me and said she knew you,"

Hitch gave a winning smile that did not convince Mikasa. The only reason she was there was to avoid working. Either way, Mikasa didn't care.

However, Connie did.

"Ugh, does it have to be her? She's so annoying," he grumbled, to which Hitch's grin widened.

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