6. Like the fucking idiots they are.

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They ran through the halls like the fucking idiots they are.

Mikasa and Eren slipped on the poodles at their feet due to them being dripping wet from their late-night swim as Sasha and Niccolo ran ahead of them, laughing at their slow pace.

No one remembered whose idea it was to race to Eren's 'guest' room whilst two out of the four were soaked but no one really cared.

Sasha and Niccolo arrived first, greeting the other duo with mirthful chanting of victory. Eren begrudgingly opened his door, still sulking at his loss.

Sasha dove into the room and immediately sniffed out the platter of food on his desk.

"Can I have some? Pretty please! That run left me starving." She blinked up at him with her huge chocolate brown eyes. Eren rolled his seafoam ones and nodded turning away from the girl as she grabbed the bowl of soup and raised the rim to her mouth, she gulped down the contents of the soup.

"Sasha! Have manners and use the spoon! No, Sasha! Give me the bowl!"

Mikasa smiled at the couple wrestling each other, that was until a towel slapped her right in the face.

"Hurry up and use it, I only have one in this room," Eren said as he shivered. She grimaced at the way he trembled and began patting her hair dry.

"Give it!"

"UWAHHGHH!" Sasha screamed as the bowl of soup collapsed onto her front.

Mikasa and Eren both turned to look at the two nincompoops who managed to spill soup all of one of them.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry,"

"Hot! It's so hot!"

"Crap Eren, where are the baths?" Niccolo asked frantically with worry. He couldn't stand seeing the woman he loves in pain, pain caused him no less.

Eren pointed at the connecting doors, the room right next to his. Niccolo supported Sasha all the way into the other room whilst screaming his apologies.

"They're so..." Eren began, trying to find the right words to describe the odd couple.

"Over-dramatic? Clumsy? Loud?" Mikasa tried to help as she tossed him his towel.

"I was going to say really in love," he shook his hair then tied it back. He then immediately began unbuttoning his shirt to rid himself of his wet clothes.

He turned his gaze to the woman and noticed her face held a slight flush to it. Why is she just standing there?

"You better get out of those wet clothes if you don't want to be sick on your wedding day,"

She shook her head out of whatever trance she was in.

Mikasa couldn't believe the images that flashed through her head as Eren began to undress, her mind seasoned in a few memories of how he looks fully naked and fully erected. She turned away from him no longer wanting to face his toned abdomen.

She slowly pried her nightdress off leaving her in a thin chemise alone. The material stuck to her skin, printing her full breasts and firm nipples. The pale pink color did not help against a white material.

You can't possibly stay in this state around him!

I know that she scolded her self-consciousness.

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