7. There was no one around.

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Unlike the first time she had to awaken in Eren's room, there was no one around.

Mikasa stretched, popping her stiff joints and sore hips, a feeling she didn't mind waking up to.

She forced herself to fall asleep the night prior, not wanting to endure the pain that was listening to Sasha and Niccolo make out. It sounded like they were eating seafood. She cringed. At least that was all they did.

"Oh, hey. You're awake," a new voice said at the door. She looked over to see a professional-looking Eren in his usual suit holding a tray of breakfast in his grasps.

"Great, cause I brought these for you," he placed the tray on the nightstand.

"Thank you,"

"It's no problem really, after all, you fed me well last night, so I'm just returning the favor," slowly, his tongue slid over his bottom lip.

He then chuckled at Mikasa's flushed face and startled expression but what he didn't know is that he had her yet again tensing her legs together.

"Ehem, where's Sasha and Niccolo?" Mikasa tried to change the subject as she reached for a slice of bread.

"They left shortly after I came out of the bathroom, in a hurry too, wonder what that was about,"

Mikasa would rather not know.

She stilled at a realization.

If they left then why didn't he wake her up to continue their lessons? What did he do afterward?

"Then I saw you had already fallen asleep. You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb," he rubbed the back of his neck whilst looking down, she noticed his cheeks were slightly tainted red.

"I fell asleep soon thereafter, anyways," he shrugged nonchalantly.

She nodded, understanding his motives. She took a bite out of her bread but stopped, realizing how rude she must've appeared.

"Shit, I'm sorry. Did you eat? Do you want some?" She stretched her hand with the bread towards his direction, he grimaced at her action.

"You don't need to baby me anymore, I brought that for you,"

"Yea, I know but-" she stopped talking once she felt his large hand gently petting the top of her head.

"You never change, do you?" he smiled softly.

She gulped, not expecting him to say such a thing. What does that mean? She asked herself.

However, her question remained unanswered as they both heard a knock on Eren's door.

Eren rushed to open the door, not giving Mikasa enough time to catch her bearings.

He opened the door slightly to reveal his tiny wife staring up at him with those huge blue eyes of hers.

"Good morning, Historia," he said loudly enough to alert Mikasa who it was.

"Good morning, have you seen Mikasa? Jean is going frantic looking for her, he said he hasn't seen her since last night and he's worried," she jumped right to the point.

Mikasa immediately knew how awful it would look if she spent another night in Eren's room, this time alone, she hoped he caught on too.

"What do you mean he hasn't seen her? Is she missing?" Eren said with a hint of worry in his voice. He's actually playing the role well.

"I don't know, but could you help me look for her? He's really thorned up about it,"

Eren didn't give a rat's ass about Jean's feelings, but if this is the chance to help Mikasa sneakily escape from his room, he'll take it.

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