FORTY-THREE ✴ Work from Home

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       Evelyn held back a hiss of pain as Hunter put a pack of ice against her bruise, holding her head in place with his other hand so she wouldn't move away.

       "Keep it there," he instructed.

       "Do I have to?" she pouted, reluctantly grabbing it and keeping it pressed against her cheeks as he dropped his arms.

       "Until you let Mila heal you, yes," Hunter said, glancing across the island counter and seeing her poke at the food in front of her.

       Mila's wanted nothing more than to heal the bruise she knew was hurting her friend, but she knew Evelyn wouldn't let her to until she ate got some strength back. Unfortunately, after what just happened, Mila had trouble getting the food down her throat.

       Jason's worried gaze stayed trained on Evelyn. "Keller did this to you?"

       She nodded. "Yeah. He throws a punch like an amateur."

       This made Hunter raise an eyebrow at her. "An amateur with a gun, Evelyn. I'm surprised he didn't just shoot you."

       Mila frowned. "He said he just wanted to warn us."

       "We need to be more careful," Jason said, his eyes going over everyone. "Now that Keller knows that we're onto him, he and Kane could be watching our every move."

       Hunter's eyes shot between Mila and Evelyn. "Did he mention why Kane was back in town?"

       "We didn't ask," Evelyn said.

       "Do you think it has something to do with us?" Mila questioned.

       "We can't know for sure," Jason said. "I don't think Kane would travel all the way to the city just because we got away. I think there's something more."

       Hunter ran a hand through his hair, thinking. "Maybe a huge drug shipment? A sale we don't know about?"

       "It could be anything," Jason said with a frown. "Shit, how did Keller even find out we were on to him?"

       "He said that nothing went on in Division without him knowing about it," Evelyn said.

       "He made it sound like there're multiple people working in Division who align with Psychotics," Mila said.

       "We're going to have to start working from home," Hunter said, looking at Jason. "Grab all the important files and get Bowen to upgrade our computer's security so any database we search can't be tracked."

       Jason nodded. "That should keep Keller from keeping tabs on the investigation."

       "Are you guys sure you want to keep pursuing this?" Evelyn asked. "I mean, I want you to bring Kane down, but this whole thing runs deeper than him. If you keep doing this, you'd be taking on the head of Division."

       Hunter and Jason remained quiet for a moment, taking in her words. In a way, Mila knew she was right. If Kane had Chief Gregory Keller in his pocket, he would be nearly impossible to stop.

       "If you find evidence, who can you even trust to give it to?" Mila asked them.

       Jason crossed his arms. "Sergeant Wolfe. He's in a position of power and he's got friends in high places that he trusts."

       "How do you even know he's not working for Kane, too?" Evelyn questioned.

       A frown tugged at Hunter's lips. "So far, he seems fine. He's been helping us get access to restricted files on Keller. We have no reason to doubt him, yet."

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