THIRTY-TWO ✴ Released

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       "You can release them," a voice spoke out, startling Mila.

       She lifted her head from staring at the floor and looked out into the hallway, seeing two officers speaking to a man dressed in a professional suit with multiple stars and badges. His nametag was on his right breast pocket and she could read it even from a distance.

       Sergeant A. Wolfe

       Almost immediately, Jason got to his feet from the bench and Hunter pulled his hands out of his pockets. Evelyn and Mila glanced at each before standing up as well when Sergeant Wolfe and one of the officers approached their cell with a set of keys.

       "Sergeant," Hunter and Jason said at the same time with a nod.

       The man was a lot scarier looking in person. He was tall with a perfectly straight posture, his shoulders pushed back, and his chin tilted upwards. His face held a stoic expression as his dark eyes went over all of them.

       "All charges against the four of you have been dropped," Sergeant Wolfe informed them. "You're free to go."

       Hunter gave him a hesitant look. "That's it?"

       "The evidence Bowen presented was compelling," he said. "We should talk more about that in my office tomorrow. Right now, you can take the day to yourselves. I understand you've been through a lot."

       "If the charges have been dropped, are you re-instating us?" Jason asked.

       He nodded. "I've had new badges ordered for the both of you since I understand you lost some personal belongings during your captivity."

       Jason grinned. "Cool. Mine was getting all scratched up, anyway."

       "What about my clinic and hospital privileges?" Hunter asked.

       "All reinstated," Wolfe confirmed. "I'll have someone transfer all of your files back to your desks so that you can pick up where you left off."

       Hunter and Jason glanced at each other, a silent acknowledgement passing between them about everything's that changed in the past couple of days.

       "We have a new suspect for the person leading Psychotics," Jason said. "And we have reason to believe there's been a breach in Division."

       He nodded. "We'll talk about that all tomorrow, at noon."

       Mila frowned. "Kane could be gone by then," she said quickly, giving Hunter and Jason and unsure look.

       Even though Evelyn said it was unlikely that he would just pack up shop and disappear, Mila didn't want to take that chance. Over the past few days they had been hiding, he could have already left, too.

       "She's right," Jason said, nodding his head. "We have a location; we should act on it."

       "I had local units go and investigate the property," Sergeant Wolfe said, but he seemed hesitant as a frown overtook his features. "They were turned away. I'll fill you in on the details when we talk in private."

       Turned away? Mila felt her heart drop at those words, but at least it meant that Kane was hopefully still there. But why wouldn't the police go and investigate him now that he was a suspected gang leader?

       Despite her clear internal struggle to know more, Hunter and Jason only nodded, not saying anything more. Mila made a mental note to ask them what they found out after their meeting tomorrow.

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